
Professorship strengthens the cooperation of ABB and Aalto in Industrial Internet solutions

Dr. Iiro Harjunkoski has been appointed Adjunt Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering.
Iiro Harjunkoski

Dr. Iiro Harjunkoski, Corporate Research Fellow at ABB, has been appointed Adjunct Professor at Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering for a period of 15 April, 2016 – 31 May, 2018. The professorship is part-time and Dr. Harjunkoski continues working at ABB Corporate Research Center in Germany.

Iiro Harjunkoski’s research focuses on production management, planning and optimization. He has wide knowledge of decision-making in process industries and contributes to realizing the IoTSP (Internet of Things, Services and People) vision at ABB. Harjunkoski will be participating in research projects and teaching at Aalto University.

- The professorship is an honor. I see it can bring many opportunities for Aalto University, its students and ABB. The university will strengthen its research and teaching on Industrial Internet, and ABB can benefit from the research and get contacts to graduating students, says Dr. Harjunkoski.

The cooperation between ABB Finland and Aalto University started already years ago. The university is a significant collaborator for the ABB Group and the professorship is a step towards a strategic partnership.  

Since his dissertation in 1997 at Åbo Akademi and two years as a postdoctoral researcher in the USA, Dr. Harjunkoski has worked almost 15 years at ABB Corporate Research Center in Ladenburg, Germany. He is one of the eight highly valued Corporate Research Fellows at ABB Group.

See also news on Aalto Industrial Internet Campus extending its research to process industry

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