Care robots, speech recognition, micromaterials, galaxies near and far away – the School of Electrical Engineering is so much more than electricity and smart power grids, as we study many topics you might not initially associate with the electrical industry. We take part in solving the great challenges humanity is facing, such as climate change, the depletion of natural resources and an aging population. 

News highlights

You can find all the news related to the School of Electrical Engineering here.

Nighttime picture of a snowy road lined with trees.
Press releases Published:

Snap, crackle, pop! — the sounds of frost actually come from the sky

Breakthrough research reveals that the popping sound associated with frost is in fact mostly coming from the atmosphere.
Apulaisprofessori Viktar Asadchy. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Jaakko Kahilaniemi
Awards and Recognition Published:

Viktar Asadchy receives Young Scientist Award

The Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion awarded Assistant Professor Viktar Asadchy with the Young Scientist 2024 Award.
kuva: opiskelijoita työskentelemässä

Study electrical engineering

Electricity is everywhere, and our society would not function without it. As a student at the School of Electrical Engineering, you can find solutions to issues related to sustainable development and human well-being.

Aalto Factory of the Future. Photo: Mikko Raskinen

Get to know our research: our departments and Metsähovi Radio Observatory

Our research is based on excellent cooperation, and we have exceptionally good connections to the business world. Here at the School of Electrical Engineering our students and researchers get a chance to roll up their sleeves, because we conduct a lot of applied research in addition to theoretical research. Our investments in first-class facilities and research equipment ensure that our hard work will help society evolve. 

The School of Electrical Engineering has three departments and one separate unite.

Read more about our research and departments.

Our key figures

    The amount of professors has increased 71 percent.

    Since 2010 the amount of our professors has risen from 35 to 60 professors (+71%).

    Our personnel consists of 700 people.

    Our personnel consists of 700 people.

    Degree students in 2023: 2274

    Number of students. (Full-time equivalent students and the doctoral students.)

    Bachelor's degrees in the School of Electrical Engineering 2023: 239

    239 Bachelor’s degrees in 2023.

    Master's degrees in the School of Electrical Engineering 2023: 253

    253 Master’s degrees in 2023.

    Doctoral degree in the School of Electrical Engineering: 43

    43 Doctoral degrees in 2023.

    Latest news

    Aalto-yliopisto valittiin Suomen parhaaksi yliopistoksi QS-vertailussa.
    University Published:

    Aalto University retains Finland’s #1 spot in QS ranking

    Aalto University continued its success in the international QS World University Rankings, maintaining its position as the best university in Finland.
    Aalto's team at the competition
    Awards and Recognition Published:

    Aalto University student team placed sixth in the Bosch Future Mobility Challenge competition

    80 teams from all over the world took part in the tough competition.
    Designer Noora Yau's shimmering wood chrystals. Photo: Mikko Raskinen
    Campus, Research & Art Published:

    From space technology and shimmering wood to shapeshifting textiles – explore world-changing research in the brand new Marsio building

    The Makers of the Impossible exhibition and the Designs for a Cooler Planet festival will kick off the autumn season at Marsio – Aalto University’s brand new, open-to-all campus venue.
    SGT24, Participatory outdoor planning as a valuable tool for building trust with local people, Brazil-2024. Source: Karolin Kull
    Research & Art, Studies, University Published:

    Transforming interdisciplinary education: Sustainable Global Technologies (SGT) across four continents

    The true impact of our actions often unfolds over time, as demonstrated by the students at the SGT FAIR’24 on May 22. Their work showcased how a single student challenge can drive significant change.

    Join the events

    Honorary doctors 2024
    Lectures and seminars

    Honorary Doctors' Talks 13 June 2024

    The five honorary doctors of Aalto University give insights in their areas of expertise. Open to all audience, welcome!
    Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
    Public defences

    Public defence in Speech and Language Technology, M.Sc. Ragheb Al-Ghezi

    Use of Self-Supervised Learning in Automated Speaking Scoring for Low-Resource Languages (title of the thesis)
    A forest in the background, text Unite! Widening EU Mission Adaptation to climate change 18 June 2024
    Information sessions, Workshops

    Learn about “EU Mission Adaptation to climate change” programmes and funding calls

    The event aims to present the possibilities of participating in the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change programs and calls.
    Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
    Public defences

    Public defence in Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering, M.Sc.(Tech.) Verner Püvi

    Photovoltaic Hosting Capacity of Distribution Networks (title of the thesis)

    In electrical engineering you can build a more responsible and smarter future

    Student Emmaleena Ahonen

    Contact information and services

    Get in contact with School of Electrical Engineering management, experts and services.

    Read more
    Maarintie 8 at Aalto University campus
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