
Aalto Space mobile application

It can be challenging to find unreserved rooms for studying, group work or conferences on the campus. Aalto Space makes finding and booking facilities easy for all users of the campus’ facilities.
Aalto Space applikaatio Kuva: Hannes Huotari

Aalto Space is a mobile application for Android and iOS devices. It helps the user navigate the Aalto University campus and allows them to book facilities for studying and group work. Aalto Space’s conference room booking functionality is piloted by the University’s personnel and business users.

The application also provides an excellent means of communication between the University and students: Aalto Space has an emergency messaging feature with which Aalto Communications can send notifications about various exceptional situations on the campus.

You can download the application from Apple App Store or Google Play.

Aalto Space mobiilisovellus Väre Kuva: Hannes Huotari

Range of buildings and facilities

The application’s range of buildings and facilities covers several buildings, coworking facilities and working stations located on the Otaniemi campus.

The application’s map allows you to easily find also those teaching facilities in the building that are not included in the booking system. The application’s developers intend to continue developing new functionalities with the help of user feedback.

Aalto Space screenshot

Using the application 

Currently, the application identifies users through Aalto ID registration. The users are divided into four user groups: visitors, students, personnel, and business and campus users. The user group determines the range of available facilities, the duration and maximum number of facility reservations and the time window of advance reservations.  

Please read the application’s terms and conditions.

Please read the application's privacy notice.

In order to ensure the best user experience, users must have reported their current phone number to Aalto University.  

Average number of users: 400 daily, 1 800 weekly and 7 000 monthly.

By the end of the year 2023, the application had been downloaded almost 50 000 times.

Development: Kisko Labs, CORPI, Nimble Devices, ASIO in co-operation with Aalto University Campus & Real Estate and Aalto University IT Services


Edited on 20 June 2024

Deleting personal data from the application
This service is provided by:

Aalto University Campus & Real Estate

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