Boosting business through collaboration

Research collaboration strengthens expertise and future business development. New product and service ideas are created in study projects. Our campus offers an inspiring operating and networking environment. At Aalto's recruitment events, companies meet the top talents of the future.

Kaksi naista tekemässä kankaisia rintamerkkejä. Kuva: Marko Oikarinen / Aalto-yliopisto

President Ilkka Niemelä: ‘We make an impact in society together with our partners’

At best, collaboration between Aalto University and corporates brings about solutions with a great impact on society. Collaboration leads to change toward a more sustainable world, develops new skills and knowledge, and creates jobs.

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Rehtori Ilkka Niemelä katse kameraan suunnattuna, kuvattuna Dipolissa

Join the MEC-funded doctoral pilot at Aalto University 2024-2027

Aalto University offers companies a unique opportunity to participate in the doctoral education pilot funded by MEC.

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Doctoral hats

The most significant benefit of our collaboration with Aalto University is the expertise it provides us.

Matti Kauhanen, Business Unit Technology Manager, ABB Oy Drives and Controls

Strategic partnership is a long-term commitment

We create impact together with our corporate partners. By combining the latest knowledge with leading industrial expertise, we develop sustainable solutions and educate future talents for business.

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Aalto Vision Forum

What can we do together?

We offer companies opportunities for collaboration in all areas of Aalto's operations, as well as possibilities for networking with researchers, teachers and our active student community. The collaboration can start with even a small project, and grow into a long-term strategic partnership. We encourage also the SMEs to become involved!


Swimming hall. Photo: Pixabay
Press releases, Research & Art Published:

Energy consumption at swimming halls can be cut by up to a third, thanks to a new tool

The tool, developed by researchers at Aalto University, is intended for the project and pre-planning phase of new swimming halls and for planning the renovations of old ones.
Nesteen polttoainejalostamon tankit Porvoossa
Cooperation, Research & Art Published:

Collaboration with Aalto brings significant financial benefits to Neste

As a result of the collaboration, Neste is now using digital tools in its fuel research alongside traditional testing.
Skanskan kehitysjohtaja Jan Elfving esiintyy Rakennustekniikan päivässä 2024
Cooperation Published:

Civil Engineering invites companies to participate in future development work

A stakeholder event organized by the Department of Civil Engineering has already become a spring tradition. Civil Engineering Day was held on April 25 in Dipoli Otaniemi.
kuva puhelimesta ihmisen kädessä
Press releases Published:

Teaching a computer to type like a human

A new typing model simulates the typing process instead of just predicting words


Guest talk
Lectures and seminars

Guest talk: Dan Brown "Algorithmic information theory, creativity and communication"

Professor Dan Brown from University of Waterloo will give a talk at the Department of Computer Science
Guest talk
Lectures and seminars

Guest talk: Dan Brown "Truth, lies, fiction, and creativity in AI"

Professor Dan Brown from University of Waterloo will give a talk at Large Language Models seminar, Department of Computer Science
A forest in the background, text Unite! Widening EU Mission Adaptation to climate change 18 June 2024
Information sessions, Workshops

Learn about “EU Mission Adaptation to climate change” programmes and funding calls

The event aims to present the possibilities of participating in the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change programs and calls.
Radical Creatives documentary illustration
Information sessions, Networking

Radical Creatives Sweden film premiere in Almedalsveckan

A documentary directed by an Aalto University alum Emilia Hernesniemi.
Aalto University privacy notice for partnership services
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