Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems

Enabling bio and circular economy

The Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems (Bio2) is at the forefront of forest products technologies and cutting-edge biotechnology.

Ultimately, the activities in Bio2 result in innovative products and solutions for applications ranging from construction and textiles to biomaterials, energy and biomedicine.

Lignocellulose samples by Mohamed Magd. Photo: Valeria Azovskaya


The research in the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems focuses on products derived from nature through green chemistry or biotechnological methods. Our department’s core competencies include synthetic biology, biochemical and biotechnical processing, the chemistry of lignocellulosic materials, pre-treatment and fractionation of biomass, downstream unit operations as well as the characterization and analysis of materials.

BIO2 is internationally recognised for its multidisciplinary engineering education development in digitalised and online learning environments.


Biobased Colloids and Materials (BiCMat)

Group led by Professor Orlando Rojas


Biobased Materials Technology

Group led by Professor Thaddeus Maloney

CHEM_bio_Nanocellulose printing paper


Group led by Professor Silvan Scheller

Anaerobic microbiology

Biohybrid Materials

Group led by Professor Mauri Kostiainen

CCMV AuNP lattice

Biological Engineered Living Materials

Group led by Professor Rahul Mangayil

Colour photo of a blurry person in a white lab coat holding an in-focus white paper-like wafer in their blue gloved hand

Biomolecular materials

Group led by Professor Markus Linder

Formation of bridging filaments in chimeric silk coacervates

Biopolymer Chemistry and Engineering

Group led by Professor Michael Hummel

Biopolymer Chemistry and Engineering, photo: Valeria Azovskaya

Bioproduct Chemistry

Group led by Professor Monika Österberg

CHEM_Bio_Foam and woad research

Bioproduct Technology

Group led by Professor Juha Lipponen

AaltoCell_Next phase of utilizing Finnish cellulose

Clean Technologies

Group led by Professor Olli Dahl

AaltoCell project

Lignocellulose chemistry

Group led by Professor Tiina Nypelö

The research topics of the group listed as a black text, set on top of an image of wood biomass substances on grey plates, plus wood chips and a log in the background

Materials Chemistry of Cellulose

Group led by Professor Eero Kontturi

Microbial Physiology

Group led by professor Paula Jouhten.

Paper Converting and Packaging

Group led by Professor Jouni Paltakari

Cycle from pellets to printing product

Protein Technology

Group led by Professor Emma Master

CHEM/BIO2/Protein technology group_enzyme research

Soft Materials Modelling

Group led by Professor Maria Sammalkorpi

Soft Materials Modelling group Aalto University

Sustainable Bioproducts Innovation

Group led by Professor Luana Dessbesell

Textile Chemistry

Group led by Professor Ali Tehrani

Textile by Aoi Yoshizawa

Wood Chemistry

Group led by Professor Tapani Vuorinen

Wood acetate by Yesul Woo

Wood Material Science

Group led by Professor Lauri Rautkari

Photo of research group members outdoors

Wood Material Technology

Group led by Professor Mark Hughes

CHEM_Bio_Wood material

Research group leaders

Circular Biobased Materials

Led by Senior Scientist Bruno Mattos

wood strips on a white background

Biobased Materials Structure

Group led by Research Fellow Paavo Penttilä

Colour photo of wood chips and samples on textured surfaces, in a petri dish and a closed test tube

Photoactive Organic Materials

Group led by Research Fellow Eduardo Anaya

Photo of the Photactive Organic Materials group

Protein engineering

Group led by Professor Sesilja Aranko

Protein kinase 3D model

Wood extractives

Headed by Academy Research Fellow Jinze Dou

Color photo of a hat made of fine bark strips featuring a red hatband and a fiber-constructed letter "A"

Emeritus research groups


Group led by Emeritus Professor Herbert Sixta

CHEM_Bio_Marianna_Granatier_From wood to fiber

Printing Technology

Group led by Emeritus Professor Patrick Gane

CHEM_Bio_Circular economy


Research infrastructure

We develop local and global networks

Image from the Aalto Bioproduct centre

AALTOLAB (external link)

AALTOLAB is a virtual laboratory safety training platform developed at Aalto University. AALTOLAB helps both students and staff to maintain high-level safety standards in our laboratories.

An image of virtual laboratory space

Contact information for lecturers and research groups

Contact information for the research groups

Here you can find the contact information for the research groups.

Bio2 / Atomic force microscope


See all the Aalto CHEM collaboration projects here

Key Research Area: Materials and sustainable use of natural resources

Materials research ranges from physics, nanotechnology, mechanics, performance and design to biomaterials and sustainable resource use.

An abstract composition of different metals and forms.

Circular Design Innovation (external link)

Strategies for circular design – design out waste and innovate for longer product lifetime.


ClicInnovation (external link)

Solution Architect for Global Bioeconomy and Cleantech Opportunities

Symmer seminar


FinnCERES, competence center for materials bioeconomy, is a Flagship for our sustainable future.

FinnCERES Materials Cluster

INNPAPER (external link)

Paper is rising as a good alternative to traditional materials for electronics: it is cheap, flexible, renewable and recyclable.

InnPaper_RFID+Temperature sensor


Ioncell-F technology developed at Aalto University in collaboration with the University of Helsinki converts wood into textiles without any harmful chemicals.

Aalto University/Ioncell-F

Research cooperation

The Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems works collaboratively with strong partners from industry and academia.

Aalto University / The School of Business / Ambassadors

ValueBioMat (external link)

ValueBioMat is a project funded by the Strategic Research Council (SRC) at the Academy of Finland.

ValueBioMat logo
Studying biotechnology

Are you interested in studying at the School of Chemical Engineering? Here are our Bioproducts and Biosystems programmes:

See all our school's programmes

Moving to Finland

Here new students and employees can find useful tips for a smooth moving.

We also gathered information about families and recreational activities.

Moving to Finland

Via this page you’ll find information on practical issues regarding moving to Finland, such as social security, taxation and opening a bank account.

For families and spouses

Moving to Finland? Here you can learn more about practicalities.


Finding a private rental

For longer term accommodation in Helsinki region the best options are either renting or purchasing an apartment or a house. In case you are planning to purchase an apartment we recommend you to contact your bank and/or estate agencies to gain professional assistance and advice. Here you'll find information on renting an apartment, rental rates, and how to find an apartment.

AaltoInn room

Social life and recreation

Having social networks helps you feel at home! Aalto University organises many events and other possibilities for international staff and their families to meet and mingle and thus hopefully settle in smoothly. Some examples are Experiencing Finland and Aalto Club events. In addition, we have collected tips and links for you to find the most suitable information.

Two women walking in the campus area and carrying an Aalto umbrella

Get to know us:

Paula Jouhten seeks to replace oil-based chemistry by controlling the physiology of microbial cells

Paula Jouhten, D.Sc., started her five-year fixed-term professorship at the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems at the beginning of 2022. Jouhten leads the Microbial Physiology research group at Aalto University.

Professori Paula Jouhten nojaa kaiteeseen ja hymyilee kameralle.

Alexander Frey wants to cut health costs with specialised yeast

The Professor of Molecular biotechnology has harnessed a hardy workforce for tasks such as manufacturing cheap medicines and biofuels.

Alexander Frey_Aalto-yliopisto_Mikko Raskinen

Curiosity is a pathway to science

Researchers are shaping the future. If you want to become a researcher, it is important to be curious and question everything, says Professor Silvan Scheller.

Silvan Scheller

Eero Kontturi: The most important skill for a researcher is the desire to read and write

Professor of Materials Chemistry of Cellulose relaxes by reading scientific articles and makes no distinction between work and free time.

Eero Kontturi. Kuva: Lasse Lecklin / Aalto-yliopisto

Get to know us: Professor Olli Dahl

Saving the environment via businesses.

Olli smiling

Mixing people

Mixing people with different backgrounds is a nutrient for creativity, says professor Tapani Vuorinen.

man standing in a storage in front of the window, wearing a white laboratory coat, smiling

Get to know us: Associate Professor Michael Hummel

Michael Hummel had plans to stay in Finland for only a year or so. In the end, he enjoyed his work at Aalto so much that he decided to stay.

Michael smiling in Dipoli building

Michael Hummel: Sustainable and renewable materials will replace oil-based products

Researchers need to be team players, says Professor of Biopolymer Chemistry and Engineering.

Michael Hummel, kuva: Jaakko Kahilaniemi

Monika Österberg develops from wood a contender to oil

Associate Professor of Bioproduct Chemistry Monika Österberg wants to see her innovations change the world.

Monika Österberg

Nurturing the passion for research - Interviewing Associate Professor Ali Tehrani

Associate professor Ali Tehrani, who works at Aalto University's School of Chemical Engineering Bioproducts and Biosystems Department, has an impressive background in textile research already before joining Aalto. And he also enjoys guiding and supporting his students in their research and careers.

Associate Professor Ali Tehrani standing in front of blooming trees.

Revolutionising the bio-based industry

An interview of the new Professor of Practice Juha Lipponen from the School of Chemical Engineering.

Professor Juha Lipponen standing at Kemistintie

Teaching and providing “aha!” experiences motivate our new Vice Dean of Education Jouni Paltakari

Paltakari wants to show all the incredible things we can do with chemical engineering. At the very core of all of our actions are sustainable development and problem solving.

Jouni Paltakari varadekaani koulutus


Tapani Vuorinen in a black suit, facing camera in front of large windows.
Awards and Recognition, Cooperation, Research & Art Published:

Aalto Distinguished Professor Tapani Vuorinen: “Only through collaboration can we achieve greater impact”

Tapani Vuorinen, professor of forest products chemistry at the School of Chemical Engineering, was appointed Aalto Distinguished Professor at the opening of the academic year on 3 September.
Yellow post-it notes with different white symbols on them and a hand grabbing one of the notes.
Research & Art Published:
Appointments Published:

Sesilja Aranko has been appointed Assistant Professor at the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems

Ph. D. Sesilja Aranko has been appointed four-year (second term) fixed term Assistant Professor position at the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems as of 1 September 2024. The field of the professorship is Cellular Engineering.
Miia Mäkelä
Appointments Published:

Miia Mäkelä has been appointed as Associate Professor at the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems

D.Sc. (Microbiology) Miia Mäkelä has been appointed as tenured Associate Professor at the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems as of 1 September 2024.


Introduction to research data management
Lectures and seminars, Staff trainings, IT & digital tools, Support for teams, Training to support research

Introduction to Research Data Management, Oct 9, 2024

Get to know the basics of RDM with Data Agent, Dr. Essi Viitanen from Research Services.
DMPs: A hybrid workshop for researchers
Lectures and seminars, Staff trainings, IT & digital tools, Support for teams, Training to support research, Workshops

Data Management Plans: A Hybrid Workshop for Researchers, Oct 11, 2024

Learn about writing a DMP in this hybrid workshop with Information Specialist Lucie Hradecká and Data Agent Enrico Glerean.
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defense in biotechnology, Yin Yin

Title of the thesis: Assembly of silk-like proteins towards functional bio-inspired materials
ABC of open access publishing
Lectures and seminars, Staff trainings, Support for teams, Training to support research

ABC of Open Access Publishing, Oct 23, 2024

Learn about Open Access publishing with Information Specialists Katri Seitsonen and Eeva Savolainen from Research Services.

Where to find us

Vuorimiehentie 1

Aalto Bioproduct Centre

Vuorimiehentie 1
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