Shaping a sustainable future

Aalto University’s purpose is to shape a sustainable future. We do high-quality research, excelling and making breakthroughs in and across science, art, technology and business. We spark the game changers of tomorrow, and renew society with research-based knowledge, creativity and an entrepreneurial mindset. All our work is guided by the values of the university: responsibility, courage, and collaboration. 

Our plan 2025-2028

Learn more about the areas of development

Our purpose and values define our long-term direction. We have selected the areas of development below that best drive us towards our purpose.

Research equipment on a colorful background, image by Aleksi Poutanen

Research and art: Driving excellence 

We create world-class clusters of excellence and bring talent together.

Our strategy
Students studying together in a group

Education: Future-led learning

We advance high-quality and data-driven teaching and learning with a life-wide learning path.

Our strategy

Impact: Inspiring ecosystem

We build an international collaborative ecosystem.

Our strategy

Enabling our success

To enable our success, we invest in our community & people, infrastructures & campus and services & resources.

Our strategy

Three approaches to everything we do

We need new lenses to look at the biggest problems facing the world. Our combination of science, art, technology and business expertise allows us to rethink challenges and solutions alike. By encouraging a radically creative and entrepreneurial culture within our community, together we can make impact and find sustainable solutions.

Solutions for sustainability illustration inspired by art piece called Hidaka Ohmu by Julia Lohmann, illustration by Anna Muchenikova

Solutions for sustainability

We create solutions for sustainability by combining our strengths. 

Our strategy
Radical creativity illustration: Anna Muchenikova

Radical creativity

We enable experimental activities that challenge the status quo. 

Our strategy
Entrepreneurial mindset themed illustration showing a robotic hand, illustration by Anna Muchenicova

Entrepreneurial mindset

We advance the entrepreneurial mindset and capabilities of our community.

Our strategy

A living strategy for a world in motion

In our living strategy approach, our purpose, values, and way of working define our long-term direction while our choices are proactively and continuously re-evaluated.

Read more
An aerial view of the Aalto University campus at sunset/ Photo by Mika Huisman

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Contact us

Our living strategy processes are coordinated by Marja Niemi, Head of Planning and Leadership Support.

For any questions regarding the strategy, please contact:

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