Tenure track

Aalto-universitetetets karriärsystem Tenure Track bereder akademiker på professorsnivå en tydlig och välgrundad karriärstig mot en permanent professur. 

Aalto University students, photo Unto Rautio

Karriärsystemet tenure track

Aalto-universitetetets karriärsystem Tenure Track bereder akademiker på professorsnivå en tydlig och välgrundad karriärväg fram till en permanent professorspost.

Läs mer om Tenure Track
Harald Herlin

Intresserad av att arbeta med oss?

Är du intresserad av att ansöka till vårt tenure track-karriärsystem? Läs mer om ansökningsprocessen på engelska. 

Aalto Day One

Interested in joining our tenure track?

This page describes how to apply for Aalto University's tenure track. The page contains information on why to apply for Aalto University tenure track and instruction on how to apply. The site has instructions, for example, on application documents (including curriculum vitae/cv and teaching portfolio) as well as application and selection process.

Tenure track

Vill du veta mer om Tenure Track? Läs mer nedan på engelska.

Aalto tenure track evaluation criteria

Tenure track evaluation criteria

The tenure track evaluation criteria are based on the principles of predictability, transparency, and comparability with international standards. Here you find the tenure track evaluation criteria, recommendation for evaluating the potential for tenure track, teaching competence assessment (teaching assessment/teaching competence), guidelines for teaching competence assessment committee, incl. evaluation matrix, guidelines for candidate (teaching portfolio), statement of teaching competence), language requirements for tenure track.

Ihmisiä oppimiskeskuksessa/people in at the learning center

Development processes of our academic career systems

Developing the academic career systems is part of the Aalto University quality system. This page provides information on how the quality of the academic systems is monitored and how the processes are being developed.

An Aalto pen lying on the page of a study book, students working in the background / photo by Aalto University, Aino Huovio

Academic careers working group

This page contains information on Academic careers working group, its purpose, members and contact information.

Tenure track

Utmärkt HR-praxis

Aalto-universitetet följer EU-kommissionens kvalitetsbestämmelser i sin HR-praxis. Läs mer på engelska. 

Aalto University, Learning@Aalto Assessment for Lifelong Learning, photo Jere Savolainen

Human Resources Excellence in Research

Aalto University has been awarded the “HR Excellence in Research” -award by the European Commission as the first university in Finland in 2012. This page contains information on the Human Resources Strategy for Researcher (HRS4R) -process at Aalto as well as our latest HRS4R Strategy and Action Plan.

Careers at Aalto

Vill du läsa mer om våra övriga akademiska tjänster?

Karriärsystemet för lektorer

Aalto-universitetets karriärsystem för lektorer är främst avsett för enskilda personer som bedriver undervisning.

Opiskelijalla kynä kädessä

Övriga akademiska befattningar

På den här sidan beskrivs akademiska befattningar som inte hör till tenure track-karriärsystemet eller lektorernas karriärsystem. Sidan innehåller också andra officiell stadga för andra akademiska uppgifter och Instruktioner för utnämning av docent

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