Fabian ja Jaakko Ahvenaisen rahasto palkitsi sillan- ja talonrakennusalan osaajia
Aalto-yliopiston insinööritieteiden korkeakoulun Fabian ja Jaakko Ahvenaisen rahasto myöntää vuosittain apurahoja tai tunnustuspalkintoja sillan- tai talonrakennukseen suuntautuneille Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijoille sekä mainituilta aloilta Aalto-yliopistossa äskettäin diplomi-insinöörin tai jatkotutkinnon suorittaneille henkilöille. Vuoden 2024 apurahoja myönnettiin yhteensä neljälle opiskelijalle tai alumnille. Apurahat olivat haettavissa 1.12.2023-31.1.2024.
3 000 euron apurahan saivat diplomi-insinöörit Eemil Heiskanen ja Paula Romakkaniemi talonrakennustekniikan alalta.
4 500 euron apurahan saivat tekniikan tohtorit Yifu Lan sillanrakennustekniikan alalta ja Klaus Viljanen talonrakennustekniikan alalta.
Apurahojen jakotilaisuus järjestettiin 11.4.2024.
Lämpimät onnittelut kaikille apurahan saaneille!
Eemil Heiskanen
The behavior of a massive concrete slab cast in two parts as a composite structure
The thesis aimed to find out the implications of a horizontal construction joint on the composite behavior of a massive concrete slab. The research was conducted by analyzing the effects of heat release due to cement hydration, stresses caused by non-uniform shrinkage and creep, as well as the transfer of post-tensioning force. The thesis brought out results to be directly utilized in design and construction of massive concrete slabs.
Paula Romakkaniemi
Condition assessment of reusable structural materials and components
My master's thesis studies the condition assessment of reusable load-bearing concrete structures, with the main focus on the technical properties to be known to assure the suitability for reuse and to verify the compliance. It presents the needed properties and suggests methods to achieve those during condition assessment and presents the suggested framework for the assessment process in general.
Yifu Lan
Algorithmic Advancements in Drive-by Inspection Methods Towards Intelligent Bridge Monitoring
Traditional methods necessitate many sensors installed on the bridge, which results in high costs and maintenance requirements; they are no longer the optimal choice for bridge health monitoring. This work delves into the drive-by bridge inspection method that utilizes vehicles equipped with sensors as an alternative approach. The purpose is to develop algorithmic solutions for vehicle-based bridge health monitoring, extracting key bridge modal parameters and precisely identifying bridge damage. It addresses prevalent challenges and provides innovative algorithms that propel the drive-by bridge inspection method closer to real-world application, paving the way for a practical and economical bridge health monitoring system.
Klaus Viljanen
Hygrothermal performance of wood-framed, mineral-wool-insulated walls and roofs with low thermal transmittance
The thesis utilizes both extensive experiments and numerical simulations to address the moisture safety of well insulated building envelopes in Nordic climate conditions. The study focuses on the drying performance of external walls as well as on the hygrothermal conditions in the ventilation cavities of walls and roofs.
Fabian ja Jaakko Ahvenaisen rahasto
Fabian ja Jaakko Ahvenaisen rahastosta jaetaan vuosittain apurahoja ja tunnustuspalkintoja Aalto-yliopiston sillanrakennuksen ja talonrakennuksen alan opiskelijoille, nuorille tutkijoille ja vastavalmistuneille.
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