Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems

Protein engineering

The Protein engineering group, led by Senior Scientist Sesilja Aranko, aims to expand the repertoire of enzymes that catalyze protein modifications. We develop methods for biomolecular protein-conjugation reactions as well as enzymatic post-translational modifications, including phosphorylations, hydroxylations and glycosylations. The applications of the research range from protein- and peptide-purification technologies to functionalization, texturing and crosslinking. We are particularly interested in modifying proteins relevant for biomaterials, including silk- and collagen-proteins, with the aim of developing novel sustainable yet high-performing biomaterials.
Protein kinase 3D model
Image: Sesilja Aranko

Research themes

  • Protein ligases 
  • Kinases, hydroxylases and glycosyltransferases 
  • Folding and assembly mechanisms of silk and collagen proteins 
Assembly: Sesilja Aranko. Collagen protein and film, fluorescent silk protein, silk fibers
Composite image: Sesilja Aranko

Examples of ongoing research projects

Functional and water-resistant composite materials from crosslinked non-canonical silks and cellulose (CrossSilk)

In this project, funded by the Research Council of Finland (formerly the Academy of Finland), we aim to improve the water resistance of currently available silk- and cellulose-based biomaterials by mimicking the crosslinking of natural silks and leather. The goal is to design fully biodegradable materials with outstanding mechanical properties in both dry and wet states. We hope that the novel crosslinked silk-CNF composite materials developed in the project can be used as a renewable and biodegradable alternative to replace current plastic- and animal-based materials.

From post-translationally modified proteins to functional biomaterials (Pro2Fun)

The goal of this project, funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation Emerging Investigator grant, is to develop methods to produce post-translationally modified structural proteins, including silks and collagens, in bacteria that cannot make the desired modifications naturally. There is accumulating evidence that the post-translational modifications of proteins are essential for the mechanical properties and functionalities of the resulting materials. Yet, the mechanisms behind how these modifications affect the properties of biomaterials are not fully understood, mainly due to technical limitations. Production in bacteria enables obtaining the proteins in an economical, ethical, and sustainable manner. We use the modified proteins to engineer novel functional biomaterials, which have the potential to substitute current oil- and animal-based alternatives.

Group members

 Sesilja Aranko

Sesilja Aranko

Senior Scientist
T107 Bioproducts and Biosystems
 Nea Möttönen

Nea Möttönen

Master's student

Stefania Aspholm-Tsironi

Master's student

Katarina Knuuttila

Research assistant
 Oguzcan Ates

Oguzcan Ates

Master's student

Interested in joining us? 

Contact: [email protected]


More information on our research in the Aalto research portal.

Infrastructure we use

Opening of the Aalto Bioproduct Centre

Bioeconomy Infrastructure (external link)

Joint research infrastructure of Aalto University and VTT Bioeconomy infrastructure on Finland’s roadmap for research infrastructures 2021–2024

Kvanttibitit. Kuva: Jan Goetz.


OtaNano is Finland's national research infrastructure for micro-, nano-, and quantum technologies

Color logo for EMBL with a hexagonal abstract image made up of green and red dots

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (external link)

With 28 member states, EMBL has more than 110 independent research groups and service teams covering the spectrum of molecular biology at six sites in Barcelona, Grenoble, Hamburg, Heidelberg, EMBL-EBI Hinxton, and Rome.

Sesilja Aranko.

Considerable Novo Nordisk funding for researcher Sesilja Aranko

Staff Scientist Sesilja Aranko has been awarded the highly competed Emerging Investigator 2023 Grant from Novo Nordisk Foundation for a research project focusing on post-translational modifications in protein-based biomaterials. The grant awarded is 10 million DKK (approx. 1.34M€) for a five-year period.

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