Aalto University Junior

Kids and youth

Aalto University Junior organises activities for children around themes involving arts, science, technology, and business also outside school hours. Our activities are designed to offer meaningful leisure activities in the form of creative projects.
Leireillä innostutaan kokeilemaan, tutkimaan ja käyttämään luovuutta.
Our camps inspire the participants to experiment, explore and be creative. Photo: Aalto University Junior / Sini Kivioja

Aalto University Junior organises also leisure time activities for children, youth and families

You can feed your curiosity and creativity at home, too. On this page, you will find all the activities we offer for aspiring researchers and artists of all ages. For instructions for experiments to try at home, fun facts and other inspiring contents, you can also go to @aaltouniversity_junior on Instagram

A boy with a ball


Welcome to the summer camps!

Aalto University Junior
Kuvakollaasi kotona toteutettavista tiedetöistä, kuten muovailuvahasta, origameista, valomaalauksesta ja katapultista

Try at home

You may find try at home worksheet in Finnish and Swedish.

Aalto University Junior
Nuoria opiskelemassa Aalto-yliopiston kirjastossa.

Aalto University offers open online courses

Do you want to learn how to make your own mobile apps, dive into the history of architecture or get to know the basics of programming? Aalto University's free online courses offer a wide range of studies that are also suitable for young people.

Learn online

6 students lying on the grass
Kuva: Aleksi Poutanen / Aalto-yliopisto

Kiinnostaako opiskelu Aallossa?

Tee virtuaalinen kierros Otaniemen kampuksella, juttele Aallon opiskelijoille tai lue inspiroivia opiskelijatarinoita. Alla olevan linkin takaa löydät kaiken, mitä tarviset hakeaksesi Aaltoon! 

Tutustu opiskeluun Aalto-yliopistossa

Opiskelijoiden tarinoita somessa

  1. TikTok: opiskelijatiimin luomaa sisältöä Suomeksi
  2. Snapchat: opiskelijoiden luomaa sisältöä
  3. YouTube: opiskelijoiden vlogit
  4. Aalto-yliopiston Instagram


Here you can find information on upcoming events for children, young adults, and families.

Avoimet luennot Aallossa

Kvant­ti­fysi­ikkaa, arkkitehtuuria, tuotan­to­talout­ta ja neu­roti­eteitä. Aal­to-yliopis­ton avoimet luen­not on suun­nat­tu 2. asteen opiskelijoille, mut­ta myös yläk­oul­u­laiset, opet­ta­jat ja Aal­lon opiske­li­jat ovat ter­ve­tullei­ta. Nuo­rille suun­natut luen­not tuo­vat myös opet­ta­jalle uusia näkökul­mia.

Lectures and seminars

Department of Computer Science: MSc Thesis Presentations

Kelly Piho will present her MSc thesis on Tuesday 4 June at 12:00 in A346, CS building
person wearing a see through shirt
Lectures and seminars

Uskalla! / Dare! Vol. 2 Seminar for fashion students, young designers and the industry

Seminar for Fashion students, young designers and the industry
Daghigh Shirazi Hamidreza
For Aalto community Lectures and seminars

CMAT Coffee and Science - June 2024

Do you have an interesting scientific topic and you would like to share it? Have you been working on a tool that could be beneficial for others? Or are you perhaps interested in presenting your research? Any topic related to science is welcome to our Coffee & Science monthly networking session!
Cover image_MSCA-PF training
For Aalto community Lectures and seminars, Staff trainings, Training to support research

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships training, 5.6.2024

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) funding for Postdoctoral Fellowships is aimed at postdoctoral researchers with up to 8 years of research experience after the doctoral degree, who would like to move within or to Europe and beyond to carry out research. The researcher applies for funding in cooperation with the host organisation.
Aalto-yliopisto Junior mukana lukiolaisten TAT takeoff 2022 yrittäjyystapahtumassa.
Aalto University Junior took part in the entrepreneurship event for high school students, TAT Takeoff 2022. Photo: Mikko Raskinen
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