

5/2024. Featuring presentations of master's theses from the Master's Programme in Geoengineering
Entrance to the rock engineering laboratory.
Picture: Unto Rautio

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Programme 22.3.2024

The length of each presentation is 15 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes reserved for discussion.

  • 14:00-14.20 : Suvi Ylitörmänen Pohjatutkimusten standardit ja ohjeistus Pohjoismaissa
  • 14:20-14.40 : Samuel Francisco Chávez Romero Effects of blasting vibrations in heap leaching piles located in the vicinity of an open pit mine

Prof. Wojciech Solowski, Director of the Master's Programme in Geoengineering

Theses presented

Pohjatutkimusten standardit ja ohjeistus Pohjoismaissa

Author: Suvi Ylitörmänen
Supervisor: Leena Korkiala - Tanttu
Advisor: Henry Gustavsson, Tero Mäkinen
Funding: Taratest Oy


This thesis aims to examine the ground investigation methods in Finland, Sweden, and Norway, highlighting their applications and regional characteristics in the context of planning. The unique geotechnical environment and diverse soil conditions of the Nordic countries provide a comparison base that helps in understanding the applicability and performance of different methods under various conditions. The objective of the study is to identify best practices that enhance regional expertise and promote sustainable infrastructure development.

The study investigates ground investigation methods such as sounding and sampling. Among the sounding methods, it particularly addresses dynamic probing, percussion drilling, CPT test, and vane testing. In sampling, it compares practices among the countries, various sampling techniques, and samplers.

The research showed that the geotechnical challenges and soil diversity in the Nordic countries require the use of a variety of ground investigation methods. The soil conditions and geological features in Finland, Sweden, and Norway are often similar, enabling the comparison and application of methods and best practices across these countries.

The conclusion states that careful planning and execution of ground investigations are crucial for the success of infrastructure projects. The results emphasize the importance of collaboration between the Nordic countries and the sharing of knowledge and experiences to solve geotechnical challenges. In the future, broader international cooperation and the harmonization of standards are recommended to ensure high-quality and sustainable construction projects in all three countries.

Effects of blasting vibrations in heap leaching piles located in the vicinity of an open pit mine

Author: Samuel Francisco Chávez Romero
Supervisor: Professor. Mikael Rinne
Advisor(s): M.Sc. Tuomo Hänninen – M.Sc. Aki Ullgren
Funding: Terrafame Oy


Geoengineering master's theses
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