
Minna Tuusa appointed as Human Resources Manager of Aalto ARTS

The Dean of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture Tuomas Auvinen has appointed HR partner Minna Tuusa as Human Resources Manager of the School from 1 June 2024.
Profile picture of Minna Tuusa
Photo: Minna Tuusa

Minna Tuusa has been working at Aalto University since 2020. She has been responsible for management recruitment, employer image and development of recruitment practices in the University's shared HR services and has served as HR partner in the Communications Services (COS). Her work history also includes a varied career in the corporate world and direct search consultancy. 

Tuomas Auvinen, Dean of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture is pleased that Minna Tuusa has joined the School's staff. "I am delighted to welcome Minna to the School and also as part of the School's management team. Minna brings with her the right leadership approach to human resources and insightful HR expertise for Aalto ARTS. She also has a good understanding of Aalto's policies and shares our common values. In selecting the new HR Manager, we emphasized visionary thinking in developing our School's working culture and HR practices, and Minna brings exactly this to us."

"I am grateful and excited for this opportunity to work with and for research and the arts, education and a sustainable future. The School of Arts, Design and Architecture is a leading Nordic university in its field, and strong talent is a key success factor for the School. I am proud to be working with the ARTS community, continuing and contributing to its development together with its professional HR team. It's great to be part of this innovative and passionate community," says Minna Tuusa.

The School's HR Manager reports to the Dean and, in matrix, to the University's HR Director, and is a member of the School's management team.

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