
Program now available for the sustainability event of the year - Speakers include economist Kate Raworth and president Tarja Halonen

This year, Sustainability Science Days, a joint event of Aalto University and the University of Helsinki is collaborating with the world's largest Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress SRI. The event will bring together 2,000 experts to solve global sustainability challenges.
People registration to SSD

The program is now available for the most significant sustainability science and innovation event of the year. This year Sustainability Science Days will be organized in collaboration with Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress SRI. The event will take place 10–14 June in Helsinki and Espoo.

The program includes top speakers, workshops, round table discussions, panel discussions, and networking events. Participants get to exchange ideas and join discussions covering topics such as how research could better support political decision-making, what kind of innovations are needed for the energy transition and how to live a good life within the planetary boundaries.

Speakers include President Tarja Halonen, economist Kate Raworth, and the former foreign minister of Bolivia, Fernando Huanacun.

“Science is invaluable for the future of the planet. The program includes more than 80 different events, and we welcome participants from across the world. Sustainability issues know no borders, so it is important that they are also addressed globally,” says Anne Portaankorva, Vice Rector for Research and Sustainability at the University of Helsinki.

The event brings together 2,000 researchers, students, business leaders, political decision-makers and experts who are interested in sustainable development.

“Sustainability problems are complex and multidisciplinary by nature and in order to solve them the best professionals must be brought together. This means not only researchers but also other societal stakeholders,” says Aalto University's Vice President for Innovation and Impact, Janne Laine.

Sustainability problems are complex and multidisciplinary by nature and in order to solve them the best professionals must be brought together

Janne Laine, Aalto University's Vice President for Innovation and Impact

The event will take place at the City Centre campus of the University of Helsinki, the Aalto University campus in Otaniemi, and online. 

The event will also include an Open Day in which the Congress opens its doors to the local audience while offering participants the opportunity to engage with the surrounding community. Coinciding with the annual Helsinki Day 12 June, the Open Day activities include for example a nature-themed pub quiz at Think Corner, University of Helsinki’s living room of science.

The Open Day activities and additional special events will be announced soon.

Sustainability, Research and Innovation (SRI) is an international congress to promote sustainable development research and innovation. It is organized together with host country and sustainability organizations Future Earth and Belmont Forum.

Read more about the program and register for the event

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