Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

Our main research areas are algebra and discrete mathematics, analysis, applied mathematics and mechanics, stochastics and statistics, and systems analysis and operations research. We offer major and minor studies at both bachelor's and master's levels and provide doctoral research training. Our graduates have been recruited by universities, research institutes, governmental agencies as well as companies in the financial, energy and transportation sectors.

Green plastic triangle on a white board,
Aalto University / Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

For full information on the department, visit:

Our research groups:


Designer Noora Yau's shimmering wood chrystals. Photo: Mikko Raskinen
Campus, Research & Art Published:

From space technology and shimmering wood to shapeshifting textiles – explore world-changing research in the brand new Marsio building

The Makers of the Impossible exhibition and the Designs for a Cooler Planet festival will kick off the autumn season at Marsio – Aalto University’s brand new, open-to-all campus venue.
SGT24, Participatory outdoor planning as a valuable tool for building trust with local people, Brazil-2024. Source: Karolin Kull
Research & Art, Studies, University Published:

Transforming interdisciplinary education: Sustainable Global Technologies (SGT) across four continents

The true impact of our actions often unfolds over time, as demonstrated by the students at the SGT FAIR’24 on May 22. Their work showcased how a single student challenge can drive significant change.
Main entrance to the Viima building
Campus, University Published:

Viima - Puumiehenkuja 5 gets a name that invites adventure

The main users of the building considered a new name together.
White fox walking in winter landscape, technological elements in background with text LUMI
Research & Art Published:

CEST researchers receive significant LUMI supercomputing resources

Read how two successful machine learning projects got support by a supercomputer


Otaniemi seafront pictured in the summer with the Aalto logo and event title, and VTT and Open Science logos overlayed.
Campus, Conferences, Networking

Open Science and Research Summer Conference 2024 (external link)

Welcome to the summer conference on open science hosted by Aalto University.
Intro to Scientific Computing and HPC June 2024
Staff trainings, Training to support research

Intro to Scientific Computing and HPC 4-6 June 2024

Are you starting your summer internship and you are unsure about the computational resources available for you? Are you a doctoral researcher who has recently started working on their research? Would you like to have more resources for your data science tasks? Join our hands-on course for data science workflows with high performance computing.
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defence in Mathematics, M.Sc. (Tech) Kim Myyryläinen

Parabolic bounded mean oscillation and Muckenhoupt weights (title of the thesis)
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defence in Computer Science, M.Sc. (Tech) Gazi Illahi

Remote rendering enables complex graphics rendering based experiences to be delivered on resource constrained devices. By leveraging cloud computing resources for remote rendering, new application paradigms like cloud gaming and cloud XR can be realized. By optimizing different aspects of remote rendering, it may be possible to improve the quality of experience of end users of such applications.

Where to find us

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