The research at our school focuses on advanced energy solutions, condensed matter and materials physics; creation and transformation of technology based business; data science and artificial intelligence; health technology; neuroscience; and software engineering. Get to know more information about us below, including information on joining us to research and study.

Our community

Camilla Hollanti, photo: Lasse Lecklin.

Camilla Hollanti elected as a member of Finnish Academy of Science and Letters

Camilla Hollanti leads a prominent research group on applications of algebra and number theory. The central topic of her research is to apply the methods of algebra and number theory to problems encountered in communication systems. Applications include wireless security and secure distributed computation.

Professor Riikka Puurunen, Professor Patrick Rinke and IT Application Owner Lara Ejtehadian holding sunflowers and diplomas

Aalto Open Science Award ceremony brought together Aaltonians to discuss open science

Last week we gathered at A Grid to celebrate the awardees of the Aalto Open Science Award 2023 and discuss open science matters with the Aalto community.


News highlights

The WAVE technique developed by the researchers is based on anticipating future movement, such as a turn. Picture: Markus Laatta

Researchers develop a new way to instruct dance in Virtual Reality

The researchers started by experimenting with visualisation techniques familiar from previous dance games. But after several prototypes and stages, they decided to try out the audience wave, familiar from sporting events, to guide the dance.

tekoälyohjelma käynnistyy

Just believing that an AI is helping boosts your performance

People perform better if they think they have an AI assistant – even when they’ve been told it’s unreliable and won’t help them


Latest news

Designer Noora Yau's shimmering wood chrystals. Photo: Mikko Raskinen
Campus, Research & Art Published:

From space technology and shimmering wood to shapeshifting textiles – explore world-changing research in the brand new Marsio building

The Makers of the Impossible exhibition and the Designs for a Cooler Planet festival will kick off the autumn season at Marsio – Aalto University’s brand new, open-to-all campus venue.
SGT24, Participatory outdoor planning as a valuable tool for building trust with local people, Brazil-2024. Source: Karolin Kull
Research & Art, Studies, University Published:

Transforming interdisciplinary education: Sustainable Global Technologies (SGT) across four continents

The true impact of our actions often unfolds over time, as demonstrated by the students at the SGT FAIR’24 on May 22. Their work showcased how a single student challenge can drive significant change.
Main entrance to the Viima building
Campus, University Published:

Viima - Puumiehenkuja 5 gets a name that invites adventure

The main users of the building considered a new name together.
White fox walking in winter landscape, technological elements in background with text LUMI
Research & Art Published:

CEST researchers receive significant LUMI supercomputing resources

Read how two successful machine learning projects got support by a supercomputer

What's on?

Upcoming events at the school

Otaniemi seafront pictured in the summer with the Aalto logo and event title, and VTT and Open Science logos overlayed.
Campus, Conferences, Networking

Open Science and Research Summer Conference 2024 (external link)

Welcome to the summer conference on open science hosted by Aalto University.
Intro to Scientific Computing and HPC June 2024
Staff trainings, Training to support research

Intro to Scientific Computing and HPC 4-6 June 2024

Are you starting your summer internship and you are unsure about the computational resources available for you? Are you a doctoral researcher who has recently started working on their research? Would you like to have more resources for your data science tasks? Join our hands-on course for data science workflows with high performance computing.
Ask a Data Agent Weekly RDM Support Hour 1 - 2 PM on Zoom
For Aalto community Support for teams, Training to support research

Aalto Data Agents' weekly support hour on Zoom

A weekly Zoom room to come and ask us anything about research data and open science: data management, data storage, data analysis, data sharing, reproducibility, responsible conduct of research, data privacy, ethics.
Cover image_MSCA-PF training
For Aalto community Lectures and seminars, Staff trainings, Training to support research

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships training, 5.6.2024

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) funding for Postdoctoral Fellowships is aimed at postdoctoral researchers with up to 8 years of research experience after the doctoral degree, who would like to move within or to Europe and beyond to carry out research. The researcher applies for funding in cooperation with the host organisation.

Student stories

A dire need for experts in mathematics and analytical reasoning opened a world of possibilities for Matilde Costa

A fascinating course offering, the opportunity for paid summer internships, and high-quality education. Aalto University’s Mathematics and Operations Research programme was the right choice for Matilde Costa, who has a passion for algebra and number theory.

Matilde Costa at the learning centre

"It is a privilege to have this much freedom of choice” – master's programme opened up top-notch research opportunities and career paths from electronics to machine learning

Appealing opportunities for interesting summer jobs and the prospect of conducting a thesis in a preferred subject drew Evren Korkmazgil to enroll in the Engineering Physics master's programme at Aalto University.


Information networks brought Ruusu Kukkurainen and Ida Koponen together – podcast hosts talk openly about highs and lows of student life

Ida Koponen and Ruusu Kukkurainen host a podcast in which they share their experiences as university students.


Master's student Anna Huttunen: ‘Listening to others can help you listen to yourself’

Anna Huttunen, a multi-year student tutor and current wellbeing ambassador, shares her thoughts on student wellbeing and how it could be improved.

Anna Huttunen

Emil Stråka: It’s interesting to see physicists and chemists complement each other’s expertise

'It’s interesting to see how physicists and chemists can be looking at the same system, and yet arrive at very different conclusions, questions, and results. In LIBER Center of Excellence, you can see the expertise from different disciplines.'

Emil Stråka, photo by Linda Lehtovirta.

Leila Arstila: As a recent graduate, I have a whole world ahead of me

'We could learn to listen to ourselves and be kinder to ourselves. After burning out, it's really hard to climb back up. It would be easier to stop before the fall.'

Leila Arstila, photo by Linda Lehtovirta
Meet the Dean of the School of Science
Contact the School of Science
Donate to the School of Science
Aalto University Undergraduate Building Y Block

Management of School of Science

Information about the management and administration of the School of Science.

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