Aalto University

Aalto University contact information

Contact information e.g. for the registry office, admission services, as well as bank and invoicing details

Postal address

Aalto University Foundation sr
PO BOX 11000


+358 9 47001


Find Aalto people

Registry office

Aalto University’s Registry is responsible for registering official correspondence and decision-making documentation and for providing information.
[email protected]

Mailing address:
PO Box 11000

Visiting address (from Monday to Friday at 9–15):
Otakaari 1 B
02150 Espoo

Admission Services

Information on admissions, study options and applying to Aalto University

Contact information and opening hours

Email: [email protected]

For students

Contact information for Learning Services

Reception in the Dipoli main building

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +358 50 511 2195
Mailing address: PO Box 18000, FI-00076 AALTO, Finland
Visiting address: Otakaari 24, 02150 Espoo. Reception is open Mon-Thu 7.45–20 and Fri 7.45-18.

Campus maps and buildings

Opening hours of campus buildings

Mailing services, letter

University management

Mailing address: PO Box 18000, FI-00076 AALTO, Finland
Visiting address: Dipoli, Otakaari 24, 02150 Espoo

Aalto University archives

The university’s Archive Service is responsible for the proper storage of records and for information services related to records under permanent retention. 

Contact preferred by email: [email protected]

Visiting address: Otakaari 1B, 02150 Espoo
Phone, Aalto University Archives: +358 50 596 9639

Aalto University swichboard: +358 9 47001

Electronic invoicing address

Business ID (VAT): FI22283574 (Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö)
EDI code (e-invoicing address): 003722283574 or PEPPOL ID:0216:003722283574 
Online invoicing operator: OpusCapita Solutions Oy
Operator EDI code: E204503 or PEPPOL

In order to ensure prompt processing and timely payment of invoices, the following invoicing reference must be included in all purchase orders:
Reference: COST CENTER-CONTACT PERSON (e.g. U90441-Suomalainen)

For further information, please contact Financial Service Centre: [email protected]

Bank details

Payee Name: Aalto University Foundation sr.
Business ID: 2228357-4
VAT-code: FI22283574
Payee address: PL 11000 (Otakaari 24), 00076 AALTO, FINLAND
Name of the bank: Nordea Bank Abp
Bank address: Satamaradankatu 5, FI-00020 NORDEA, FINLAND
Bank details: IBAN: FI55 1660 3000 0604 60 / BIC/SWIFT: NDEAFIHH

Questions related to invoices: [email protected]

Business ID

Aalto University Business ID: 2228357-4

Schools, departments and units

Scientific research, artistic activities and teaching are carried out at Aalto's six schools and their departments and units.

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The executive bodies of the university are the Board (AUFB), the President, and the University Academic Affairs Committee (AAC). The President's Management Team (PMT) coordinates the daily work at the university and the preparation of pre-decision motions. The Aalto Management Team (AMT) furthers transparency and open dialogue in decision-making regarding university development.

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Dipoli aerials 14-9-2018_photo_Mikko_Raskinen_009_Original

Campus maps, addresses and opening hours in Otaniemi

Here you will also find restaurants, the map, the Aalto Space mobile app, access control - all practical information on one page! You can also visit the campus virtually.

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Aalto-yliopisto / Unto Rautio

Driving and parking at Otaniemi

Driving and parking at Otaniemi

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Renault Zoe electric vehicle

For the media

Aalto University Communications helps media representatives in all questions related to the university. You're welcome to contact us!

Contacts and materials
Videokuvausta, Visualising Knowledge -tapahtumassa.
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