Careers at Aalto

Practical issues upon moving

On this page you find information on practical issues concerning moving to Finland, such as social security, taxation and opening a bank account. In addition we provide some info on health care, insurances and importing a motor vehicle and pets to Finland.
Three students cycling in Otaniemi in the summer

Health and Social Security

Before arriving to Finland, we recommend you to take along prescriptions and other relevant documents concerning your health. Remember also to bring the medical records of your children’s immunisation with you.

Taxation and Bank Account

Below you can find more details about taxation and opening a bank account in Finland, as well as some relevant links.

Moving to Finland

Living in Finland

See also

People biking in front of Väre and ABloc

Human Resource (HR) services contact details

Contact details to Human Resources (HR) services for Joint University services as well as for HR units at Schools and Departments.

Mikko Raskinen Aalto yliopisto Otaniemi

International mobility of our staff index

International mobility of our staff index

Main image

Preparing for arrival

This page provides information on practices necessary for entering and starting your stay in Finland.

Careers at Aalto

For families and spouses

Moving to Finland? Here you can learn more about practicalities.

Careers at Aalto
AaltoInn room

Finding a private rental

For longer term accommodation in Helsinki region the best options are either renting or purchasing an apartment or a house. In case you are planning to purchase an apartment we recommend you to contact your bank and/or estate agencies to gain professional assistance and advice. Here you'll find information on renting an apartment, rental rates, and how to find an apartment.

Careers at Aalto
Two women walking in the campus area and carrying an Aalto umbrella

Social life and recreation

Having social networks helps you feel at home! Aalto University organises many events and other possibilities for international staff and their families to meet and mingle and thus hopefully settle in smoothly. Some examples are Experiencing Finland and Aalto Club events. In addition, we have collected tips and links for you to find the most suitable information.

Careers at Aalto
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