Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems

Textile Chemistry

Our goal in the Textile Chemistry group is to develop novel chemical treatments and technologies with lower environmental impacts.
Textile by Aoi Yoshizawa
Photo: Aalto University

The huge global textile market is increasing steadily by increasing the population and growing demand. The textile industry is the main source of income in some countries and plays a vital role in the economy.

CHEM_BIO_natural blue dye

The high profitability of the textile industry often comes at the price of polluting the environment because of the remaining chemicals in wastewater.

The motivation for developing green and sustainable textile processes is to promote the bioeconomy of Finland by working on the whole value chain of recently developed man-made cellulose fibers in the country and expand their portfolio.

Research areas:

  1. Textile Coloration and Printing
  2. Textile Chemical Treatments and Finishing
  3. Electrospun membranes for various applications

We welcome any opportunity for research development and collaboration with companies and research places.  You may contact us if you are interested to know more about our research activities.

PhD/Postdoc opportunities:

PhD and postdoc positions are generally advertised in

Team members:

Ali Tarhini

Postdoctoral Researcher

Senni Heimala

Research assistant (preparing for doctoral thesis)

Ritesh Sharma

Research assistant (preparing for doctoral thesis)

Related content:

Nurturing the passion for research - Interviewing Associate Professor Ali Tehrani

Associate professor Ali Tehrani, who works at Aalto University's School of Chemical Engineering Bioproducts and Biosystems Department, has an impressive background in textile research already before joining Aalto. And he also enjoys guiding and supporting his students in their research and careers.

Associate Professor Ali Tehrani standing in front of blooming trees.

Making textiles greener, safer, and cooler

Professor Ali Tehrani and his research group focus on something very familiar to us all – textiles.

Textile Chemistry research group

Latest publications:

Developing Graphene-based Conductive Textiles Using Different Coating Methods

Babak Abdi, Ali Tarhini, Hossein Baniasadi, Ali R. Tehrani-Bagha 2024 Advanced Materials Technologies

Fungal loosenin-like proteins boost the cellulolytic enzyme conversion of pretreated wood fiber and cellulosic pulps

Deepika Dahiya, Taru Koitto, Kim Kutvonen, Yan Wang, Majid Haddad Momeni, Siiri de Ruijter, Emma R. Master 2024 Bioresource Technology

Insights into the action of phylogenetically diverse microbial expansins on the structure of cellulose microfibrils

Majid Haddad Momeni, Aleksi Zitting, Vilma Jäämuru, Rosaliina Turunen, Paavo Penttilä, Garry W. Buchko, Salla Hiltunen, Natalia Maiorova, Anu Koivula, Janak Sapkota, Kaisa Marjamaa, Emma R. Master 2024 Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts

Comparative assessment of chemical and biochemical approaches for the activation of lignocellulosic materials and emerging opportunities for expansin-related proteins

Salla Hiltunen, Janak Sapkota, Eleni Ioannou, Majid Haddad Momeni, Emma Master, Matti Ristolainen 2024 Cellulose

Enhanced mechanical properties of epoxy composites using cellulose micro- and nano-crystals

Patricia Semaan, Abraham Zahran, Inge Schlapp-Hackl, Ali R. Tehrani-Bagha, Samir Mustapha 2024 Journal of Applied Polymer Science

Crosstalk between long noncoding RNA and microRNA in Cancer

Rahul Bhattacharjee, Neeraj Prabhakar, Lamha Kumar, Arkadyuti Bhattacharjee, Sulagna Kar, Sumira Malik, Dhruv Kumar, Janne Ruokolainen, Arvind Negi, Niraj Kumar Jha, Kavindra Kumar Kesari 2023 Cellular Oncology

Nanotheranostics to target antibiotic-resistant bacteria: Strategies and applications

Rahul Bhattacharjee, Arvind Negi, Basudha Bhattacharya, Tanima Dey, Priya Mitra, Subham Preetam, Lamha Kumar, Sulagna Kar, Sabya Sachi Das, Danish Iqbal, Mehnaz Kamal, Fayez Alghofaili, Sumira Malik, Abhijit Dey, Saurabh Kumar Jha, Shreesh Ojha, Ana Cláudia Paiva-Santos, Kavindra Kumar Kesari, Niraj Kumar Jha 2023 OpenNano

Design and Development of COX-II Inhibitors: Current Scenario and Future Perspective

Sandhya Chahal, Payal Rani, Jayant Sindhu, Gaurav Joshi, Aravindhan Ganesan, Subha Kalyaanamoorthy, Parvin Kumar, Rajvir Singh, Arvind Negi 2023 ACS Omega

Imidazoles as Serotonin Receptor Modulators for Treatment of Depression: Structural Insights and Structure–Activity Relationship Studies

Kapil Kumar Goel, Somesh Thapliyal, Rajeev Kharb, Gaurav Joshi, Arvind Negi, Bhupinder Kumar 2023 PHARMACEUTICS
More information on our research in the Aalto research portal.
Research portal
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