Turn your sustainability ideas into reality! 

Introducing the Sustainability Action Booster, an expense grant dedicated to empowering students and unleashing their creative ideas for a sustainable future. Our mission is to provide opportunities for students to initiate and participate in student-owned sustainability actions – both on campus and beyond! 

So, are you a student with a sustainability idea in mind that could use some extra financial resources? 

Wait no longer! Whether you have a small project idea or a wild sustainability vision, we want to help bring your ideas to life! Check out our application criteria and apply anytime for a grant ranging from €500 to €5 000. At predetermined times (twice in 2024), we also offer the possibility of applying for larger grants of up to €10 000 for exceptionally well-justified projects!

We want to foster creativity and create a culture of experimentation where the joy of learning is more important than individual success! We believe that the true impact, especially in smaller projects, arises from the fact that more and more additional student-owned sustainability actions are taking place at Aalto University. 

It's time to make a lasting impact and create an even more vibrant sustainability culture at Aalto University!

Apply for the grant!
Apply now!

What might your action look like? 

We want to support student-owned sustainability culture at Aalto, and your sustainability visions are the key to it! Your ideas could include: 

  • Sustainability events e.g., thematic weeks, festivals, awards, summits, hackathons, or parties 
  • Collaborations with other universities, schools, NGOs, or businesses
  • Projects including action-oriented experiments, prototypes, or podcasts 
  • Artistic interventions like exhibitions, or flash mobs, drama, or other performances 
  • Nudges towards more sustainable behavioural patterns 
  • Supportive community networks to share ideas, learn, do, and be together 

Or it could be something completely different: we're open to support diverse action-oriented ideas that seek to redefine sustainability, test, experiment, and/or break boundaries and spark positive change! 

Got your attention?

We are open for applications. Check out our application criteria and apply now!

banner photo with sustainability action booster logo.

For applicants

Read more on how to apply Sustainability Action Booster expense grant!

Sustainability Action Booster
A banner photo with sustainability action booster logo

Funded Actions

Get inspired from previous and ongoing actions that the Sustainability Action Booster has supported!

Sustainability Action Booster
banner photo with the sustainability action booster logo

Apply for the grant!

Apply for the Sustainability Action Booster expense grant!

Sustainability Action Booster

What makes us special?

    Two people smiling at the Test Site Summer Opening Party. Photographer: Adela Navratilova

    Student-owned projects 

    You are the heart and soul of this movement! We want to foster the student-owned sustainability culture and your ideas are the key to it! Together we're building a greener campus culture and inspiring the whole community. 

    A picture from Test Site's summer opening party. Photographer: Meri-Tuuli Moilanen.

    Fast and easy process 

    We've simplified the grant process, making it a breeze for you to turn your sustainable dreams into reality! No endless paperwork or complicated requirements – the application is all about simplicity and speed, so you can focus on what truly matters: getting your ideas rolling in no time! 

    People inspecting beehives in Otaniemi. Photo: Vera Väänänen

    Wide angle towards sustainability 

    We're happy to fund activities that promote sustainability in all aspects of life. From mental wellbeing to fostering community vibes and developing game-changing action-oriented prototypes – we're in for it all! Let's push the boundaries and redefine what sustainability can mean in our community! 

    A bowl made of mycelium material. Photographer: Harvey Shawn

    Learning and experimentation 

    We believe in the journey as much as the destination! It's not just about the outcome; it's about the impact you make along the way. We're all about fostering a culture of experimentation – even for wild and weird ideas!

    More information on the Sustainability Action Booster

     Jasmin Järvinen

    Jasmin Järvinen

    Sustainability Action Booster project lead
     Jussi Impiö

    Jussi Impiö

    Head of Sustainable Solutions
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