Research & Art

Key Research Area: Human-centred living environments

We are developing interdisciplinary research to enhance the planning, design, and testing of better living environments.
Kokoon modular living system is made of wood. Photo: Tuomas Uusheimo
The Kokoon modular living system is made of wood. Photo: Tuomas Uusheimo

The goal of human-centered living environments is to better understand how individuals experience their physical environment and how art, spaces, buildings, and communities can enhance this experience.

The challenges of urbanization, efficient use of resources, changes in population structure, as well as the opportunities offered by digitalisation, business services and the experience of nature, are all included in this multi-dimensional research.

The results of this research provide useful knowledge for societal development.

The Aalto Networking Platform brings together our researchers and external parties for multidisciplinary collaboration in the area of human-centered living environments. With our recently opened Living+ Hub, we offer these actors a place to meet, exchange ideas and collaborate. In addition to events focusing on networking and collaboration, we organize educational lectures and seminars for students, Aalto staff and the public, and thus increase awareness of the topics, research and current challenges related to human-centered living environments.

Aalto Living+ Forum

The annual Living+ Forum is a public multi-disciplinary lecture series on themes related to human-centered living environments.

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Visiting lecturer Akira Minagawa

Upcoming events

Otaniemi campus

ATUT 2024 - 16th annual symposium of architectural research (external link)

The 16th ATUT Symposium 7-8 November 2024 invites explorations of potential roles of architecture for Regenerative Futures.

Latest news in this area

Long-haired woman smiling, red cloth in the background
Awards and Recognition Published:

Young Landscape Architect of the Year 2024 is Aada Taipale

The award is particularly focused on taking an open-minded, fresh approach to landscape architecture.
Three female students studying
Research & Art Published:

Seed funding available to boost collaboration between Aalto, KU Leuven and University of Helsinki

Aalto University, KU Leuven and the University of Helsinki launch the 2nd exploratory seed funding call to explore research collaboration possibilities. The funding call is open until 10 September 2024.
View of a wooden structure in the market square landscape
Cooperation, Research & Art Published:

Aalto University's Wood Program 30th anniversary project to Kuhmo Square

Every year, Aalto University students specialising in wood architecture carry out a Wood Program project. In the 30th anniversary year of the program, the City of Kuhmo is the partner. The project will be a stage and a platform on Kuhmo's main square.
Young architects sitting on the outdoor staircase and smiling
Cooperation Published:

Ella Kaira and Matti Jänkälä to curate the Pavilion of Finland at the 2025 Biennale Architettura

The theme of the chosen exhibition concept by the architect duo is the preservation of modern architecture.

Flagships and Centres of Excellence

Finest Bay Area Tunnel Project, by Fira

FinEst Twins – Smart City Centre of Excellence (external link)

Focusing on sustainable smart city development, FinEst Twins is coordinated by TalTech, Aalto University, Forum Virium and Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.

Kaupunkiakatemia - Urban Academy

Urban Academy (external link)

Urban Academy (Kaupunkiakatemia) is a platform and network that brings together multidisciplinary research, teaching and societal impact in the field of urban studies. It is a partnership of five organizations: University of Helsinki, Aalto University, City of Helsinki, City of Espoo and City of Vantaa.


Annamari Tolonen, Aalto yliopisto, 2018.

Aalto Living+ Hub

The Living+ Hub is an experimental space for research, development and innovations activities connecting researchers, students, companies and cities.


Aalto Built Environment Laboratory

Aalto Built Envinronment Laboratory (ABE) is a new collaborative research and learning initiative of Aalto University, School of Engineering.

MAGICS-infrastruktuuri mahdollistaa virtuaalitodellisuuden hyödyntämisen muun muassa taiteellisissa esityksissä. Kuva: Aalto Studios.

MAGICS – Media – Arts – Games – Interaction – Computing – Science (external link)

MAGICS is an infrastructure network to support research into motion recording, and virtual environments. It is a joint effort of Aalto University, Tampere University and the University of the Arts Helsinki.

Featured research bodies

group x logo

Group X (external link)

A focus group at the department of architecture at Aalto University

Helsinki city, location project

Smartland consortium (external link)

The consortium helps to identify and develop effective and sustainable land-use policies. The consortium is led by Aalto, Universities of Helsinki and Turku and the Finnish Meteorological Institute.

Key research area contact

 Dr. Aija Staffans

Dr. Aija Staffans

Manager, Human-centred living environments, Key Research Area, Aalto Networking Platform
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