Careers at Aalto

Career levels at Aalto

Aalto has top professionals in their fields working in a wide range of different positions. Recruitment processes are driven by values of fairness and confidentiality. All of our positions are filled through open call.
At work.

Our roles

HRS4R logo

Aalto University has been awarded the “HR Excellence in Research” -award by the European Commission as the first university in Finland in 2012. More information available here.

More on the topic

Harald Herlin

Tenure track career path

This page introduces the Aalto University tenure track career system for professors. The page contains information on the general principles of the tenure track, levels and description of the career system, professors' work profile and work time allocation as well as general regulations (Aalto tenure track policies and procedures).

Tenure track
Opiskelijalla kynä kädessä

Lecturer career system

Aalto lecturer career system is intended primarily for individuals conducting teaching. The lecturer career system supports individual development and career advancement through clear principles and systematic evaluation criteria and allows Aalto teachers and lecturers to advance in their careers with teaching-focused merits. Teachers and lecturers have the opportunity to advance within the career system, from the university teacher level to the university lecturer level, and further to the position of a senior university lecturer and principal university lecturer. This page contains principles of the lecturer career system, levels in lecturer career system, generic time allocation in lecturer career levels as well as descriptions of recruitment and advancement processes.

Teaching and learning

Other academic positions

This page describes other academic positions than tenure track professor and lecturer positions. Here you will also find official policies and procedures for other academic positions as well as instructions on how to appoint a docent.

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