Careers at Aalto


We are a multidisciplinary university where science and art meet technology and business. Our diverse and international community is made up of 13,000 students, 400 professors and over 4,700 other faculty and staff. A career at Aalto University an excellent choice.

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Aalto University has been awarded the “HR Excellence in Research” -award by the European Commission as the first university in Finland in 2012. More information available here.

Career stories

How is it to work at Aalto University? Find out by reading the stories from our community.

Robert Rahkonen_Photo Mikko Raskinen
Careers at Aalto

Robert Rahkonen, Controller

It's great to be able to support the university's operations – be it a smaller student event or a research project spanning several years.
Hannes Päivänsalo_photo: Mikko Raskinen
Careers at Aalto

Hannes Päivänsalo, Head of IT Operations

We have an especially great opportunity to see through a unique change in the university's operation that can take Aalto to the next level.
Tommi Mikkola_Aalto-yliopisto_Mikko Raskinen
Careers at Aalto

Tommi Mikkola, University Lecturer

I particularly enjoy situations in which I can genuinely interact with students.
Maire Syrjäkari_Aalto-yliopisto_Mikko Raskinen
Careers at Aalto

Maire Syrjäkari, Educational Developer

The best part of my job is the open and trusting atmosphere of this community.
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