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What is Future of Work?

The purpose of Future of Workis to create a world-class research hub of excellence on the future of work as well as to offer a platform for ongoing discussion bringing business leaders, policy-makers, think-tanks and researchers together.

Examples of our collaboration

Aalto / Unto Rautio
Research & Art

Experience Platform

The Aalto University Experience Platform is an open community for people interested in experience research. The platform fosters and promotes multi-disciplinary research that combines scientific, artistic, economical, and technological angles to human experiences.
Henkilö seisoo pimeässä ja hänen taustalleen on heijastettu vihreää koodia.
Research & Art

Health Platform

Aalto Health Platform is a collaborative program that creates a framework for Aalto to deepen and widen its joint work with its partner organizations in the area of health and wellbeing (H&W), which is one of Aalto University’s strategic focus areas for research.
MG / 8569
Research & Art

Digi Platform

Aalto Digi Platform is chartered to innovate, initiate and increase digitalization related cooperation broadly inside Aalto and with its industrial and academic partners.
Research & Art

Future and Emerging Technologies’ Flagship Iniatives

The Future & Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagships are visionary, large-scale, science-driven research initiatives that tackle scientific and technological challenges across disciplinary borders.

Have a question?

If you would like to hear more about Future of Work and our events contact us at:

[email protected]

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