Give for the future

Donation in honour of a special occasion

A special occasion coming up and no ideas for gifts? How about setting up a fundraiser where people can donate in celebration of your special day?
Designs for a Cooler Planet Exhibition

Why set up a celebration fundraiser?

By setting up a celebration fundraiser, you can help build a sustainable future. A donation to Aalto University is an investment in the future, and a celebration fundraiser is a good way to celebrate the various milestones in life.

A celebration fundraiser is also a tangible way to show your appreciation for science, technology, art and business. 

You can either opt to collect donations in honour of someone else or set up a fundraiser in celebration of your own special occasion, when you would rather direct funds to the university than receive material gifts.

A fundraiser to celebrate a special occasion

Are you celebrating your birthday and instead of flowers and gifts, wish people to donate to research and education that builds a sustainable future? Do you wish to honour your colleague’s retirement in a more meaningful way and plan for a group gift? Setting up a celebration fundraiser is a good way to celebrate any special occasion.

Setting up a celebration fundraiser is easy

Merkkipäivälahjoitus - Valitse ensin lahjoituksen kohde

Select the donation target

You can choose to support any of our donation targets with your celebration fundraiser. Decide to which purpose you want to direct donated funds to and continue to the next step.

Merkkipäivälahjoitus - Ota yhteyttä

Contact us

Send us an email at [email protected]. In the subject field, write ‘Celebration fundraiser’ and in your email, specify the person in whose honour the fundraiser is organised.

We will reply to your email with further instructions.

Please contact us a minimum of 5 days before the desired start date of your fundraiser.

Merkkipäivälahjoitus - Jaa tietoa keräyksestäsi ja kerrytä lahjoitussummaa

Notify potential donors of your fundraiser 

Inform your friends of your fundraiser and encourage them to contribute. We will provide you with simple instructions to give to your potential donors.

Merkkipäivälahjoitus - Keräyksen jälkeen

After the fundraiser

We will collect information regarding the donors (with each donor’s consent) and report the total sum to you, the organiser of the fundraiser.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for further information: [email protected].

Blue, pink and transparent colour bubble material

Donation is a consumption choice

A donation to the university is a consumption choice, just like buying a new shirt.

Give for the future
Ukrainalainen opiskelija kurssikavereidensa kanssa

Donations make a difference

Donations have a significant impact on Ukrainian students receiving scholarships at Aalto University.

Give for the future
Blue and green pashminas on a table. Design Reeta Ek

A collection in the memory of Piippa Lappalainen supported fashion material purchases of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Donations play an important role in the long-term development of the school's teaching and research.

AI applications

First scholarships from Kyunghyun Cho's donation awarded to women studying computer science

Four women in the Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence major have received scholarships based on their outstanding study performance

Kauppakorkeakoulun alumni Martti Johansson

‘Every day I felt happy to go to work. It never felt unpleasant.’

Martti Johansson, 80, is one of the happy members of Seiskan Veljet, the Brothers on the 7th floor

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