
A lighter path to exercise

The psychology of motivation coupled with mixed reality games can get kids moving.
A boy jumping on a mixed reality trampoline in Superpark
photo: Maarit Hohteri
A girl jumping on a trampoline
photo: Maarit Hohteri

A little digital magic is all it takes to give young Norah and Nelson a taste of what it’s like to have superpowers.

The siblings are trying out the mixed reality trampoline games at SuperPark Vantaa. The games were developed by Valo Motion, a company founded in 2016 to commercialise research at Aalto University on mixed reality exercise games.

The trampoline the kids are using is integrated with a computer vision system that tracks a person’s movement as they jump. Those movements control their avatar—a representation of the user—on a nearby screen. The combination of the real-world gymnastics equipment with this kind of technology creates a unique interface for a range of custom video games.

Click to the story from the link below!

A lighter path to exercise (

This article has been published in the Aalto University Magazine issue 30 (, April 2022.

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