
Aalto researchers voice their concerns at COP28 in Dubai

The decision to phasing out fossil fuels requires swift action, especially in the energy sector. Climate change is already evident in polar regions, and the effects of climate change are hindering food production in parts of the world.
Professor Mika Järvinen in COP28

Listen to the presentations by Aalto professors and researchers at the Finland Pavilion of the COP28 climate conference. Presentation videos produced by Business Finland.

Business Finland: Three things research has to solve before the hydrogen revolution is possible

Presentation by Professor Mika Järvinen.

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Professor Mika Järvinen giving a presentation at the COP28 Finland Pavilion. Photo: Business Finland

Business Finland: Threats and opportunities for global food systems

Presentation by researchers Vilma Sandström and Mika Jalava at the COP28 Finland Pavilion.

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Business Finland: Sea ice properties are changing due to climate change. Why should we care?

Presentation by Professor Jukka Tuhkuri at the COP28 Finland Pavilion.

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