
CEST receives seed funding to develop more efficient fuel cells

The Materials Platform has awarded Dr. Annukka Santasalo-Aarnio, Prof. Michael Gasik, Dr. Jingrui Li and Prof. Patrick Rinke seed funding to research more efficient fuel cells. The interdisciplinary team from Aalto's Chemistry and Physics Department will use the funding to prepare a large scale application for a H2020 call.

New energy systems are needed that can facilitate the transition to CO2 free energy production and use. The seed funding project focuses on phenomena that are critical for the development of more efficient hydrogen production with SO2 depolarized electrolysers (SDE). Such SDE could become commercially viable. The objectives of the project are: a deeper understanding of the physical-chemical phenomena and of key reactions, computational simulations of the catalytic processes as well as validation of the phenomena. With this new knowledge, it will be possible to enhance the cell reactions, increase the system lifetime and decrease the noble metal catalysts loading. The goal of the proposed study is to prepare a new proposal for an upcoming EU Horizon 2020 call Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) in 2018, where this novel technology will be combined with concentrated solar power systems.

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