
Guidelines on good scientific practice and research integrity (RI guidelines) updated

The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK published its updated guidelines on good scientific practice and research integrity in March 2023.

Aalto University has committed to complying with The Finnish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and Procedures for Handling Alleged Violations of Research Integrity in Finland 2023 (the RI 2023 guideline) as of 28.8.2023. The Guidelines have been given by Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK. Aalto University has also been committed to the previous version of the same guidelines, issued in 2012, and applies it in accordance with the transitional provisions. 

The RCR/RI guidelines aim to promote good scientific practice and prevent violations of it. The instructions also describe the procedures for handling alleged violations of research integrity.

The revised guidelines are immediately binding.  Commitment to the guidelines obliges organisations to comply with it in all research activities and fields of science. Thus, the commitment means that every member of the university community (researchers, students, other personnel) must know the requirements of good scientific practice and follow them. The university offers information, training and support on good scientific practice and research integrity. Adhering to good scientific practice is part of Aalto Code of Conduct. More information: 

The renewed guidelines for students by the Academic Affairs Committee will be confirmed by the end of the year - follow the coming updates here:

Aalto University is responsible for investigating possible violations of good scientific practice in its own community in accordance with the revised guidelines. More information:

The most significant reforms in the RI Guidelines

The most significant reforms in the RI Guidelines are: 

  • The duration of the RI process and the deadlines for requesting a statement from TENK have been shortened
  • The description of the role of the research integrity advisers has been added 
  • The categorisation of RI violations has been aligned with international practice 
  • To clarify the categorisation of the RI violations, a description of the assessment of the severity of the offence has been added 
  • The principle of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity to protect those involved in investigations has been noted
  • The requirement to declare significant conflicts of interest has been added
  • The handling of alleged RI violations at B.A. and M.A. level degrees is assigned to the respective institutions of higher education 
  • The term Responsible conduct of research has been replaced by Research integrity

Please find the Guidelines here: RI_Guidelines_2023.pdf (

Processen för hangläggning av mistankar om kränkning av god vetenskaplig praxis vid Aalto-universitetet
Processen för handläggning av mistankar om kränkning av god vetenskaplig praxis vid Aalto-universitetet
  • Published:
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