
International Women's Day 2021 - celebrating the women of PHYS!

Article highlighting the accomplishments of the women from the Physics Department
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In honor of International Women's Day 2021, we are celebrating the achievements and contributions of the women of PHYS.

Over the past year, seven women have advanced their education by completing their Bachelor’s (2) and PhD (5) degrees. They have provided motivation for the female students at the Department!

Since 2020, there have been 58 publications with female authors, many of which appeared in high ranked journals such as Nature Communications, Advanced Science, Science Advances, Advanced Functional Materials, Physical Review X, and Physical Review Letters. This research has already made a resounding impact in the scientific community – collectively these articles have been downloaded over 2300 times (Pure*) and garnered nearly 150 citations (Scopus*) despite being published recently. 

The pandemic has not stopped these results from being shared within the scientific community, as they have been disseminated via several talks (some keynote and plenary) at international conferences. Their results have also reached a wider audience both within the Aalto community (35 press releases featured in Aalto News) and beyond, via news outlets and social media.

Finally, the excellence and merit of their research has been recognized by several prestigious awards and competitive grants. In a field that is notorious for the underrepresentation of women, these accolades are truly inspiring for the younger generation of female physicists.   

The Department of Physics is proud of our women for everything they have accomplished, and we are confident that they will continue to find success in their future endeavors!

*Data retrieved from 08.03.2021

Marked annually on March 8th, International Women's Day (IWD) is one of the most important days of the year to celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness about women’s equality, lobby for accelerated gender parity and fundraise for female-focused charities.

How can you support IWD?

  • Strike the Choose To Challenge pose with your hand high to show your commitment to choose to challenge inequality, call out bias, question stereotypes, and help forge an inclusive world. Share the image on social media using #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021 to encourage further people to commit to helping forge an inclusive world.
  • Join the IWD Community
  • Donate to an IWD charity
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