
Preparing Aalto Graduates to be Responsible and Influential Sustainability Experts

The sustainability event, "How to meaningfully integrate relevant sustainability and impact themes into your teaching," equipped faculty with strategies to integrate sustainability into programmes, courses and competence development.
Sustainability talks headshots of key experts

Aalto’s teacher-focused event, gathered faculty and industry experts to share insights and spark discussions on this crucial topic.

Scintillating talks by Jukka Suomela, Kirsi Yliniemi, and Jaan Praks, followed by a panel discussion featuring Outokumpu’s Head of Sustainability, Heidi Peltonen, covered key themes.

See highlights of each expert’s theme and replay of each talk below.

Suomela picture with quote: Int Sust is a professional responsibility

Jukka Suomela, Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science: “Integrating sustainability is a professional responsibility.”

Suomela underscores the importance of weaving sustainability into computer science and shares that the best way to ensure each student knows a minimum about sustainability is to integrate sustainability into mandatory basic courses. He emphasises the notion of professional responsibility, asserting that it encompasses not only sustainability but equally important, ethics. 

Suomela sheds light on the challenges of integrating sustainability into computer science curricula and highlights the development of a new mandatory course, ‘computer architecture’, to commence in 2026. This course aims to bridge the gap between virtual and physical worlds, fostering discussions on energy consumption and environmental impact. 

Watch Jukka Suomela's motivating talk, ‘Developing my Programme’, here.

Contradictory research data inspires students to think critically

Kirsi Yliniemi, Senior Lecturer, Chemistry and Materials: “Contradictory research data inspires students to think critically.”

Yliniemi shares her experience of gradually infusing sustainability into her course on nanomaterials. By incorporating normative decision-making exercises and encouraging critical analysis of contradictory research data, she challenges students to think deeply about sustainability issues.

Yliniemi highlights the effectiveness of experiential learning methods, such as creating a sustainability-focused board game, in fostering critical thinking and normative competency among students. Ylimniemi also heartily recommends Aalto’s Sustainability in Teaching Pedagogical course.  

Watch Kirsi Yliniemi's inspiring talk, ‘Developing my Course’, here.

Picture of Jaan Praks

Jaan Praks, Associate Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Nanoengineering: “Sustainability requires communication skills and the ability to think on large scales.”

Praks begins by questioning the definition of sustainability in the context of higher education and emphasises the pivotal role of education in shaping a sustainable future. He advocates for a curriculum that equips students with the skills to perceive large and varied scales, comprehend historical and future trajectories, and foster effective collaboration and communication, to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

Praks highlights the critical need for educators to be proficient in teaching systems thinking. He calls for a holistic approach to sustainability education, rooted in collective responsibility and an unwavering commitment to preserving the delicate balance of our only spaceship – planet Earth.

Watch Jaan Praks' fascinating talk, ‘Developing my Competencies’ here.

Image of all four panel speakers

Panel discussion moderated by Aalto Co-Educator's Solutions for Sustainability expert, Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen featuring Heidi Peltonen, VP of Sustainability, Outokumpu: “Sustainability in professional life requires collaboration and adaptability.”

Drawing from her extensive industry experience, Vice President of Sustainability at Outokumpu, Peltonen emphasised the significance of effective communication and adaptability in fostering sustainable partnerships. She feels that key competencies in potential new hires are communication skills and what she terms ‘business thinking’. She feels that the capacity to translate sustainability goals into business language helps drive meaningful change in organisations. 

Watch the thought-provoking panel discussion featuring Heidi Peltonen here.

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