
Viktar Asadchy receives Young Scientist Award

The Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion awarded Assistant Professor Viktar Asadchy with the Young Scientist 2024 Award.
Apulaisprofessori Viktar Asadchy. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Jaakko Kahilaniemi
Viktar Asadchy. Photo: Aalto University / Jaakko Kahilaniemi

Viktar Asadchy, who started as an Assistant Professor in August 2022 at the Aalto University Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering, will bring expertise to the novel artificial materials research field.

‘The key aim of my field is to design novel artificial materials that were not conceived before and have great potential for applications. Specifically in my research, I attempt to address several important challenges and opportunities related to artificial electromagnetic materials’, Asadchy says.
Broad knowledge and original ideas were mentioned in Asadchy’s recommendation letter. Viktar is an outstanding scientist who generates original ideas, brings them to fruition, and has broad interests and multi-disciplinary education and experience.

Read the whole press release here

Congratulations Viktar!

The Young Scientist Award may be awarded by The Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion to a young scientist in the field of technology. The recipient of the award must have accomplished significant scientific research results, created notable technological innovations, and/or worked closely with the business sector. Additionally, the research must have significance from a sustainable development perspective. The recipient is expected to provide evidence of research work after completing their dissertation.

The award may be given to a person who is 35 years old or younger during the current calendar year. The prize amount is 10,000 euros.

Apulaisprofessori Viktar Asadchy. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Jaakko Kahilaniemi

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