Severi Uusitalo

Professori (Associate professor)
Professori (Associate professor)
A803 Dept. Design
Full researcher profile
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Honors and awards

Luminord 2020 (kunniamaininta)

Luminord 2020 -valaisinsuunnittelukilpailun tehtävänä oli suunnitella sisätiloihin soveltuva monistettava valaisin, jonka valmistuksessa on käytetty yhtä tai useampaa kierrätysmateriaalia. <br/><br/>Kunniamaininta annettiin Tim Moesgenin, Natalia Ruiz-Románin ja Tyko Sillanpään työlle CONA. Innovatiivisen, kierrätysmuovista valmistetun ja ladattavan mökkivalaisimen valaistusta voi säätää eri tarkoituksia varten.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Design Oct 2020

Service Challenge Design 2020 (silver prize)

The jury awarded the Silver prize to team ‘No Pressure’ (Aalto University in Finland) for: RO+ - a service to ease Roma people’s sickness journey. The service concept creates a hassle-free journey for Roma people. On the platform Roma, healthcare providers and social service workers can access information in one place and coordinate with each other on referrals, appointments and the status of temporary ID. The service can solve Roma’s problems, including language barriers, by simplifying the processes.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Design Jan 2020

Design competition; Second prize Fado Design

Fado is a Polish 3D printing company, who organizes also design competitions around metal 3D printing, open for design students and professionals globally. The theme for Spring 2016 was eyeglass frames. The proposal created by me for the competition was selected by the jury to win the second overall prize, with accolades of being the only one of the concepts immediately ready for production without changes required. In the proposal I studied the use of computational modeling for the application area and extended personal competences in the field of my lectureship. Competition Poster: Results:
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Design Aug 2016

Research groups

  • Encore


Creative collaboration with interactive evolutionary algorithms: a reflective exploratory design study

Severi Uusitalo, Anna Kantosalo, Antti Salovaara, Tapio Takala, Christian Guckelsberger 2024 Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines

Evolumination - diversity of the species at Dutch Design Week

Kane Borg, Tina Cerpnjak, Sami Markkula, Severi Uusitalo 2023

Accessible magnetic resonance imaging – AMRI: Designing a mobile lifesaver / Designs for a Cooler Planet

Ilkka Laakso, Lauri Palva, Masoud Sharifian Mazraehmollaei, Raimo Sepponen, Severi Uusitalo, Erika Renedo Illarregi, Niilo Kämäräinen 2023

Scaling the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Through Design Research

Markus Ahola, Severi Uusitalo, Lauri Palva, Raimo Sepponen 2022 Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V

Co-creative Product Design with Interactive Evolutionary Algorithms: A Practice-Based Reflection

Severi Uusitalo, Anna Kantosalo, Antti Salovaara, Tapio Takala, Christian Guckelsberger 2022 Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design - 11th International Conference, EvoMUSART 2022, Held as Part of EvoStar 2022, Proceedings

Multidisciplinary knowledge creation: Case AMRI

Severi Uusitalo 2022 Designing Change : New Opportunities for Organisations

Research Forum

Severi Uusitalo 2022


Teija Vainio, Severi Uusitalo 2022


Tarja-Kaarina Laamanen, Jouni Silfver, Juha Ainoa, Severi Uusitalo, Pirjo Seddiki, Marjo Suviranta, Tarmo Karhu, Sami Kauppinen, Päivi Tossavainen, Katri Konttinen, Piia Rytilahti, Ari Känkänen 2021 Finnish Design Academy

Student Service Design Challenge 2020 Finalist Exhibition

Jooeun Park, Shreya Sood, Bohan Sun, Qianfei Gu, Zhengshuang Han, Nuria Solsona Caba, Severi Uusitalo 2020