Wood Program

Kokoon Project Information

Kokoon is a modular living unit built to address the current housing situation in Finland. It was created by the Wood Program at Aalto University.
One module of the Kokoon living unit being moved by crane, Wood Program, Photos: Anne Kinnune, Tuomas Uusheimo, Marc Goodwin, Juho Haavisto

Kokoon is a modular living unit built to address the current housing situation in Finland. Today there is an acute shortage of temporary accommodations for asylum seekers, students and residents displaced by building renovations. The pre-fabricated Kokoon modules are designed as a short term living solution (up to one year) that can be easily transported and stacked into various configurations in order to fit numerous sites in urban and sub-urban contexts.

Three prototype units were finished in Otaniemi in spring 2016 then transported and assembled in one day at the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum. The units are open to visitors during the summer of 2016 and will then be used in various locations around Finland.

June, 2016

The pavilion stood in Helsinki for summer 2016, between the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum. Afterward, it has been moved to numerous locations and is currently situated on the Otaniemi campus of Aalto University.

11m2 per unit
33m2 total

Architectural Design and Construction:
​Alexander Barstad, Kristin Ekkerhaugen, Satoshi Iiyama, Nicklas Ivarsson, Stephanie Jazmines, Yuko Konse, Tomoyo Nakamura, Taeho Noh, Käbi Noodapera Ramel, Maria León, Léa​​ Pfister, ​Ivan Segato, ​​Ignacio Traver Lafuente, ​​Tanja Vallaster, ​​Eduardo Wiegand Cruz, ​​Sini Koskinen, Toni​ ​​Lahti and ​Akin Cakiroglu

Structural Design:
Antti Haikala (Pentinmikko Engineering)

Pekka Heikkinen, Philip Tidwell, Willem van Bolderen

Frame and Fixed Furnishings – laminated veneer (Kerto) panels
Cladding – sawn spruce with oil-based paint
Insulation – cellulose fiber
Bathroom waterproofing – rubberized polyurethane
Bathroom floor – heat-treated aspen

Abloy (Locks), Airam (LED Lighting), Coolcenter Forssa (Waterless Toilet), Costella Oy (Hot Water Heater), Ebeco (Floor Heating), Ekovilla (Cellulose Fiber Insulation), Eltete (Sealing Tapes and Papers), Espoon Autosuojaus (Bathroom Linings), Eurokangas (Interior Textiles), Iittala (Dishes), Keski-Uudenmaan Katto (Bitumen Roofing), Kiilto (Construction Adhesives), Kirkkonummen Sähkö (Electrical Wiring), Kivijärvi (Glazing and Flashing), K-Rauta (Various Building Materials and Supplies), Lektar (Construction Tarps), Marimekko (Bed Linens), Mäntylä (Transportation), MetsäWood (Frames and Claddings), Nikari (Furniture), Oras (Taps and Faucets), Ovitehdas Vihanto (Exterior Doors), Pohjanväre (Crane Service), Profin (Windows), Puulattia (Floor Boards), Sadex (Fire Escape Ladders), Spinea (Sliding Door Hardware), Stala (Kitchen Sinks), Temal (Bathroom Sinks and Mirrors), Tikkurila (Paints), Tiivistalo (Sealing solutions), Tuulileijona (Wind Barrier Boards), Veikon Kone (Refrigerator and Stovetop) and Würth (Fasteners)

Anne Kinnunen, Tuomas Uusheimo, Marc Goodwin, Juho Haavisto

Read the blog and other news

Kokoon housing unit, Wood Program, Photo: Juho Haavisto

Kokoon Blog (external link)

'Kokoon' is a design- and construction project by the Wood Program Studio 2015-16
at Aalto University School of Arts Design and Architecture

The visitors to the Flow Festival can explore the modular Kokoon house. Photo: Juho Haavisto.

Kokoon house stacks up at the Flow Festival

The project by Department of Architecture’s Wood Program was built to offer affordable housing to migrant populations.

Photo by David Lewis

Kokoon nominated as Wood Award candidate

The Kokoon house of Aalto University students is among the 15 Wood Award 2017 nominees. The house provides a compact solution for the challenges of temporary accommodation.


This project was realized as part of the Wood Program:

Architect doing handson work at the Wood Program of Aalto University. Photo by Anne Kinnunen

Wood Program

The Wood Program is a one-year program of study that focuses on wood architecture and industrial building. The program is intended for architects, engineers and other students with a background in design and strong interest in timber construction.

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