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Events at Aalto University

Artistic interpretation of the thesis content: A mobile robot, resembling a vacuum cleaner robot, is moving through a flat.
Public defences

Public defence in Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing, M.Sc. Georg Götz

This dissertation works towards data-driven audio engines by exploring the interaction between room-acoustic modelling and data-driven methods.
Students walking on the Aalto campus in the spring. Photo by Aalto University

A! Walk

Our upcoming walks invite you to explore the interwoven natural, human and environmental aspects of the campus.
Lectures and seminars

Department of Computer Science: MSc Thesis Presentations

Akseli Anttonen will present his MSc thesis on Thursday 4 July at 13:00 in A346, CS building
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defence in Engineering Physics, M.Sc. Timm Mörstedt

The Quantum-Circuit Refrigerator allows for dissipation control, reset of quantum bits, and thermodynamic control of superconducting quantum circuits.
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