
This page collects all news. Please find highlighted news and events together with other interesting current contents on the

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Events at Aalto University

Lectures and seminars

Department of Computer Science: MSc Thesis Presentation

Jere Hirviniemi and Oskari Järvinen will present their MSc theses on Wednesday 24 July at 14:15 in A211, CS building.
Image showing silica sand
Public defences

Public defence in Mechanical Engineering, M.Sc. Nurul Anwar

Inorganic foundry binders for sustainable sand molding (Title of the Thesis)
Students walking on the Aalto campus in the spring. Photo by Aalto University

A! Walk

Our upcoming walks invite you to explore the interwoven natural, human and environmental aspects of the campus.
Aerial image of Computer Science building at Aalto University campus
Lectures and seminars
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