Leni Grünbaum

Leni Grünbaum

Doctoral Researcher
Doctoral Researcher
E706 Dept. Management Studies

Leni's research revolves around collective leadership, understood as a relational, embodied and affective process of producing direction and creating spaces for co-action. Currently, she explores affective attunement, the crafting of liminal spaces, and the role of vulnerability in this process. Her other research interests include sensory-embodied activities and artistic practices in the context of business schools, managerial education and training, and with organizational groups.

Full researcher profile


collective leadership, embodiment, affect, relationality, 512 Business and management


In lockdown with my inner saboteur: A collaborative collage on self‐compassion

Ana Lafaire, Aleksi Soini, Leni Grünbaum 2022 GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION

Interspace for empathy

Ana Paula Lafaire, Ari Kuismin, Johanna Moisander, Leni Grünbaum 2022 Culture and Organization