Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering

Neuroimaging methods group (NIMEG)

We work at the intersection of neuroscience and neurotechnology by developing novel measurement and analysis methods for studying human brain structure and function, as well as applying these methods to address important and challenging research questions in both basic and clinical neuroscience.
NIMEG Group photo autumn 2019

We work at the intersection of neuroscience and neurotechnology by developing novel measurement and analysis methods for studying human brain structure and function, as well as applying these methods to address important and challenging research questions in both basic and clinical neuroscience. We extensively employ neuromagnetic measurements of brain activity, which give a temporally detailed picture of activation dynamics.

Our aims are

  • to substantially improve the spatial resolution of neuromagnetic measurements by new instrumentation as well as by physiologically-informed computational modeling
  • to develop novel analytical approaches for neuroimaging data, also for real-time use to support closed-loop experiments where the subject's brain activity affects subsequent stimulation; in particular, we focus on assessing functional connectivity between brain regions and between the brains of interacting subjects
  • to investigate the neural processes supporting cognitive functions such as attentional selection, conscious perception, mental imagery and metacognition


    Left: OPM and SQUID sensor layouts. Right: OPM-MEG measurement session.

    Left: Comparison of conventional MEG (upper row) and OPM-based MEG (lower row) used in the high-resolution MEG project. Right: OPM-MEG measurement session.

    Example of functional connectivity at different frequency bands.

    Joint estimation of directed functional connectivity (left) and source locations (right) from MEG data acquired while viewing pictures of human faces.

    Schematic description of selective attention-based BCI.

    Left: MEG/EEG based BCI system employing selective attention task with possible neurofeedback; Right: Robust selective attention target detection for establishing communication. The project goal is to restore lost communication ability for completely locked-in patients.



    Lauri Parkkonen and the family cat, Roosa. Photo: Lauri Parkkonen, Aalto, University.

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    A brain imaging device based on quantum optical sensors could also be used to study the brains of human babies

    Uusien magneettikenttäantureiden etäisyys aivojen pinnasta on vain noin puolet siitä, mitä se on nykyisissä magnetoenkefalografia- eli MEG-laitteissa. Kuva: Lauri Parkkosen tutkimusryhmä ja Mika Seppä.

    Novel technology allows more accurate measurement of brain activity

    Innovative sensors that allow detection of the brain’s magnetic field from right on the scalp could enable more precise measuring of brain activity

    Aalto University Quantum Bit Silicon Chip. Image: Jan Goetz.

    Quantum physics and technology research receives billion-euro funding from the EU — Aalto University involved in three projects

    Aalto University research groups will study and develop technology for quantum communication, ultra-sensitive magnetic sensors based on quantum optics, and photon-emitting quantum chips. The Quantum Flagship launched by the European Union will provide funding for ten years and for over 5000 researchers with one billion euros. The flagship will consolidate the best quantum physics research in Europe and transfer quantum technology from the lab to the market.


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    Major funding for developing a new brain research method at Aalto University

    Brain imaging has given us a lot of data concerning, for example, how human brains process sensory information.

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