Aalto University Junior


Aalto University Junior supports the work of teachers by offering study visits, virtual workshops, training sessions and other services to ease day-to-day work at schools. Explore our vast offering for primary and secondary schools, high schools and institutions for upper secondary vocational education and training.
Aalto-yliopisto Juniorilla viittaillaan innokkaasti vastaamaan ohjaajien kysymyksiin.
Our workshops foster curiosity and the joy of learning. Photo: Sini Kivioja

Workshops and study visits

Bring your class to visit the Otaniemi campus Junior Lab or book a virtual workshop to do in your own classroom. Junior’s workshops make use of Aalto University’s cutting-edge research as well as methods that inspire children and young people and offer a sneak peek to the world of higher education with the help of our student instructors.

Book a workshop

Learn about our other activities


Researcher Visits

You can book an Aalto University researcher to visit your school and talk about their research in an inspiring way. The visiting researcher will organise a short science session in your class, where they introduce their research area, talk about their work as a researcher and answer the pupils’ questions.

Aalto University Junior
Kuvakollaasi kotona toteutettavista tiedetöistä, kuten muovailuvahasta, origameista, valomaalauksesta ja katapultista

Try at home

You may find try at home worksheet in Finnish and Swedish.

Aalto University Junior
Aalto-yliopisto Juniorin työpajoissa opitaan tutkimustaitoja ja innostutaan yhdessä erilaisista aiheista.
Photo: Kalle Kataila

Read news

Read about life wide learning in Aalto University.

Portaits of Ricardo Dutra and Natalia Villaman
Studies Published:

Summer School teacher interview: Radical Creativity is a human capacity rather than a super talent

Get to know Natalia Villaman and Ricardo Dutra – the teachers behind the Radical Creativity summer course by Aalto University Summer School.
Woman reading using tablet
For Aalto community Studies Published:

Aalto EE Introduces Alex: A New Learning Experience Platform to Transform Lifewide Learning and Tackle Upskilling Challenges

Aalto University Executive Education (Aalto EE) is launching the first version of Alex in June, a learning platform designed to enhance continuous professional development. Alex offers personalized learning journeys, micro-credentials, and professional development programs, aligning current skills with industry needs. This platform, which continuously evolves with new features like mobile access and AI integration, sets a new standard for professional development in Finland.
Anahita Rashidfarokhi and Elif Erdoğan Öztekin
Studies Published:

“We consider our students as active agents of transformation” Get to know the teachers behind the Sustainable Cities and Societies summer course

Explore why the course Susiatiabble Cities and Societies by Aalto University Summer School is one of the most critical topics right now.
Antony Joseph
Studies Published:

Summer School Teacher Interview: "Human-centered UX design places people at the forefront of technological advancements."

Learn how to design human-centered solutions in the Human-Centered UX Design course by Aalto University Summer School.
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