
Camilla Hollanti elected as a member of Finnish Academy of Science and Letters

The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters invites academics and scientists who have distinguished themselves in their own fields to become members. Camilla Hollanti leads a prominent research group on applications of algebra and number theory.
Camilla Hollanti, photo: Lasse Lecklin.
Photo: Lasse Lecklin

The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters invites academics and scientists who have distinguished themselves in their own fields to become members. Membership of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, in common with membership of any other academy of science, is looked on as a considerable achievement in a person’s academic career.

One of the new members is professor of mathematics Camilla Hollanti. Hollanti leads a prominent research group on applications of algebra and number theory. The central topic of her research is to apply the methods of algebra and number theory to problems encountered in  communication systems. Applications include wireless security and secure distributed computation.

The academy was founded in 1908 with the aims of promoting scientific research and acting as a bond between those engaged in advanced research.

It arranges meetings, discussions and educational events, in addition to producing scientific publications and issuing comments on topical issues pertaining research and researchers. The Academy of Science and Letters also distributes grants chiefly to young researchers.

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