
Hedersdoktorers presentationer 13 juni 2024

Aalto-universitetets fem nya hedersdoktorer i teknologi ger synpunkter till sina respektive karriärer och specialområden. Evenemanget är öppet till publiken, välkommen!
Honorary doctors talks 2024
Radical Creatives
Radical Creatives, Photo Hayley Le

Evenemangets språk är engelska, vilket innebär enbart engelsk programsinformation.

Aalto University celebrates the exceptional careers of the five new honorary doctors in technology during the Ceremony week of 2024. Join us for the talks where the honorary doctors present key observations from their careers. 

The talks are ignited with the documentary Radical Creatives:

The 1-hour documentary explores the underutilized power of radical creativity. It's a story of overcoming self-doubt by using a collective creative force. The artistically and visually unique film showcases change-makers from diverse backgrounds at a Finnish university who courageously drive towards the new and unknown.

The event is open for all audience and the talks are held in English. There will be a short time for Q&A after each speaker.


Lumituuli auditorium, Dipoli

12:45 Radical Creatives opening words: Producer Milla Kokko
  Documentary 'Radical Creatives'
13:50 Coffee break and networking
14:15 Welcome and opening words:
Dean Kari Tammi, School of Engineering
Moderator Saija Toivonen, Assistant Professor, Department of Built Environment
  CEO Tiina Alahuhta-Kasko, Marimekko
  CTO Petteri Alinikula, SAAB Finland
  Professor Cecilia Tortajada, University of Glasgow
15:20 Break
15:35 Professor Ashok Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
  Professor Marjo Yliperttula, University of Helsinki
16:15 Coffee & networking
16:45 Event ends

Register here for the talks.

The talks are held on the university campus in Otaniemi. Photographs will be taken at the event for Aalto University communications purposes. Please, contact the photographers if you don't want to appear in the photos.

Privacy notices 

Further information: Master of ceremonies Tatu Pohjola, firstname.lastname(at)aalto.fi.

Nya teknologie hedersdoktorer

Fem nya teknologie hedersdoktorer 2024 vid Aalto

Hedersdoktorerna promoveras i ceremoniella promotion i juni.

Aalto University Graduation Party celebration in 2018. Photo by Aalto University / Heli Sorjonen

Akademiska evenemang och traditioner

Akademiska evenemang omfattar hela läsåret från Aalto Day One hela vägen till ceremoniveckan med Graduation party och ceremoniella promotioner. Professorsinstallation och disputationer spreds under hela läsåret.

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