Finansiering via Advanced Grant från ERC
Olli Ikkala
Projekt: Life-Inspired Soft Matter
Tidsperiod: 2024–2029
Maarit Karppinen
Projekt: Unique ALD/MLD-Enabled Material Functions
Tidsperiod: 2023–2028
Vili Lehdonvirta
Projekt: The Geopolitics of Cloud Computing: How State-Firm Interactions Shape the Geography of Computation to Produce Digital Sovereignty and Dependence
Tidsperiod: 2024–2029
Peter Liljeroth
Projekt: Realizing designer quantum matter in van der Waals heterostructures
Tidsperiod: 2025–2029
Nyhet: Major European funding for research into new quantum materials
Mikko Möttönen
Projekt: New superconducting quantum-electric device concept utilizing increased anharmonicity, simple structure, and insensitivity to charge and flux noise
Tidsperiod: 2022–2027
Personprofil Mikko MöttönenNyhet: Mikko Möttönen and his team aim to rein in qubit errors
Antti Oulasvirta
Projekt: Artificial User
Tidsperiod: 2024–2029
Nyhet: Researchers investigate how AI could better understand humans
Mika Sillanpää
Project: Probing the limits of quantum mechanics and gravity with micromechanical oscillators (GUANTUM)
Duration: 2021–2026
The team is trying to solve a hundred-year-old mystery of physics with the help of small gold spheres and extremely low temperatures.
In the GUANTUM project, researchers will bring gold spheres, with a diameter of 0.5 mm and a mass of one milligram, acting as sensitive oscillators in a quantum-mechanical state. It is an extremely closed system where phenomena unseen in classical physics may occur. At the same time, they will observe the very small gravitational forces, which cause the gold spheres to be attracted toward each other.
Personal profile Mika SillanpääNews: Physicist Mika A. Sillanpää wins a multi-million euro research grant to support work reconciling quantum mechanics and general relativity
Zhipei Sun
Projekt: Atomically-engineered nonlinear photonics with two-dimensional layered superlattices
Tidsperiod: 2019–2024
Projektet förväntas resultera i avsevärda framsteg inom grundläggande fysik och genombrottstekniker för att möjliggöra välintegrerade, bredbandiga och högeffektiva fotonsystem.
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