Utvärdering av forskningen
Aalto-universitetets RAI-bedömning (Research, Art and Impact)
Aalto grundades 2010 genom en sammanslagning av tre universitet i Finland: Tekniska högskolan i Helsingfors, Helsingfors handelshögskola och Konstindustriella högskolan i Helsingfors.
När Aalto-universitetet grundades fick det ett nationellt uppdrag att stärka Finlands innovativa kapacitet genom förstklassig forskning, konst och utbildning. Sedan starten har Aalto-universitetet på ett ambitiöst sätt utvecklat sin verksamhet baserad på högklassig forskning och konstnärligt arbete och strävat efter att bygga upp ett universitet som är mer konkurrenskraftigt, mer fokuserat och mer tvärvetenskapligt.
För att bedöma utvecklingen, arbetet och den framtida potentialen utför Aalto-universitetet en RAI-bedömning (Research, Art and Impact). Kvaliteten hos forskningen och den konstnärliga verksamheten, liksom dess samhällspåverkan, utvärderas i en internationell bedömning för att befästa Aalto-universitetets internationella ställning och identifiera områden med potential i världsklass.
Läs mer om den utförda RAI2018 utvärderingen på engelska/finska.
Aalto University Research Assessments
In 2009, the research conducted at the founding universities of Aalto University -- Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki School of Economics and the University of Art and Design Helsinki -- was subjected to an international research evaluation (research assessment exercise, RAE) to evaluate the scientific quality and societal impact of the research and to identify research with world-class potential. This helped to formulate the seven key research areas of the university today.
RAI2018 - Research, Art and Impact Assessment
In the RAI2018 evaluation - Research, Art and Impact Assessment - external experts praised, for instance, the enthusiastic and collaborative work atmosphere, university’s infrastructure, the tenure track career system and the student-driven entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Scientific and Artistic Advisory Boards (SAB, SAAB)
The Scientific (and Artistic) Advisory Boards (SAB / SAAB) of our schools have an important function in supporting the development of the university.
Current developments in research assessment nationally and internationally
Aalto University is formally committed to the following recommendations:
- European collaboration in reforming research and researcher evaluation: Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) published the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment in 2022.
- DORA (2013) declaration on research assessment.
- Recommendation for the responsible evaluation of a researcher in Finland (2020) which gives guidance in researcher evaluation, and its implementation, ethical conduct and transparency.
- Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK guidelines, especially the guidelines on research integrity (2023), the recommendation on the Curriculum Vitae (2020) and the recommendation on agreeing on authorship in research publications (2018).
Other guidelines on the use of assessments and metrics, serving as a source of inspiration for the university, include but are not limited to:
- User guide for the Publication Forum classification (2019)
- The SCOPE framework for research evaluation (2020)
- Finn-ARMA's National guide to publication metrics (2022)
EU's Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment
The vision the agreement is that the assessment of research, researchers and research organisations recognises the diverse outputs, practices and activities that maximise the quality and impact of research.
National recommendations for responsible researcher evaluation
Researcher evaluation shapes and directs research. The entire research community should take responsibility for the principles and practices of researcher evaluation. This recommendation for the responsible evaluation of a researcher provides the basis for a functioning, diverse and flourishing research community.
Declaration of Research Assessment, DORA
There is a need to improve the ways in which the output of scientific research is evaluated by funding agencies, academic institutions, and other parties. Declaration of Research Assessment, DORA, was one of the first initiatives to improve the ways in which researchers and the outputs of scholarly research are evaluated