Forskningscentrum för internationella marknader (CEMAT)
Forskningscentrum för internationella marknader (CEMAT)
Forskningscentret CEMAT har avslutat sin verksamhet den 1 januari 2023.
Forskningscentrum för internationella marknader (CEMAT) har som uppdrag att producera och sprida forskningsbaserad information till samhälleliga intressentgrupper i Finland och i världen.
CEMAT bedriver vetenskaplig forskning med fokus på Ryssland och sprider informationen till näringslivet och andra samhälleliga intressentgrupper i Finland.
Som huvudkoordinator för Den nordliga dimensionens institut (NDI) stöder CEMAT beslutsfattandet på EU-nivå och svarar på informationsbehovet för policyn för den nordliga dimensionen.
CEMAT bedriver högklassig företagsforskning med fokus på Ryssland i samarbete med forskarna vid Aalto-universitetets handelshögskola. Aktuella forskningsteman är korruption, utländska direktinvesteringar i offshore-områden och internationaliseringen av högskoleutbildningen i Ryssland.
Den nordliga dimensionens institut NDI
Den nordliga dimensionens institut (Northern Dimension Institute, NDI) är ett öppet universitetsnätverk, som svarar på informationsbehovet för policyn för den nordliga dimensionen. Den nordliga dimensionen är ett samarbete mellan fyra likvärdiga partner: Europeiska unionen, Ryssland, Norge och Island.
CEMAT är ledande koordinator för Den nordliga dimensionens institut tillsammans med Northern (Arctic) Federal University (NArFu) och Saint Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON). Institutet finansieras av Europeiska kommissionen och utrikesministeriet i Finland. I nuläget leder institutet två projekt: NDI Think Tank och Support to the NDI.
Den nordliga dimensionens institut producerar och sprider forskningsbaserad information som berör temana för den nordliga dimensionens partnerskap (miljö, transport och logistik, kultur samt hälsa och socialt välbefinnande). Institutet publicerar också policy briefs och erbjuder utbildning i hur man skriver policy briefs, vilket främjar forskares färdigheter i vetenskaplig kommunikation.
Publikationer av Den nordliga dimensionens institut
NDI Briefing Note: Making climate change visible: Evidence from the Russian Arctic
The latest Northern Dimension Institute Briefing Note presents practical evidence on the impact of climate change on the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The large-scale consequences of global warming are manifested in dangerous climatic phenomena and irreversible natural processes, which is confirmed by statistical data, as well as in the occurrence of many incidents, accidents and catastrophes
NDI Policy Brief 19: Human biomonitoring is needed to improve well-being and mental health of Arctic people
This policy brief focuses on the importance and necessity of human biomonitoring in the Arctic. An individualized monitoring system is needed to assess the risks of public health disorders (including mental health) which result from the deficiencies of essential trace elements and vitamin D. These deficiencies are caused mainly by the unbalanced local diets combined with the lack of sunlight in the North, and they affect not only a person’s physiological health but also his or her mental state and social well-being.
NDI Policy Brief 18: Culture must be recognized as a driver of sustainable development
This Policy Brief highlights the potential of culture to create stability and to support sustainability and argues for a new policy which recognizes the importance of culture in the building of the sustainable society of the future.
NDI Background Paper 5: Accounting for disruptive developments in strategic planning of shipping in the Arctic
This NDI background paper calls for accounting disruptive developments in strategic planning of shipping in the Arctic
NDI Background Paper 4: Towards a More Sustainable Arctic
In July 2020, the European External Action Service of the European Commission launched a public consultation on the way forward for the European Union’s Arctic policy. As part of its work within the Northern Dimension Institute's Think Tank Action, IIASA responded to the call addressing specific questions of this public consultation. This paper presents the submitted material and provides further reflections on the discussed matters from the Northern Dimension perspective.
NDI Briefing Note: Decarbonizing road freight and vocational transport in the ND area
This Northern Dimension Institute Briefing Note addresses drivers, obstacles and measures for decarbonization of road freight transport that is a timely issue both globally and in the Northern Dimension (ND) area. It also draws attention to the vocational machinery segment that has until now largely omitted as a source of CO2 emissions of transport.
NDI Background Paper 3: Mapping Synergies in Regional Cooperation in the Northern Dimension Area
This background paper presents the results of mapping of regional synergies in the North, implemented by the NDI as part of its EC-funded Action Support to the Northern Dimension Institute (2020-2022). The mapping was implemented by looking at the agendas of other regional policies and initiatives in the Arctic, Barents and Baltic Sea regions through the lens of the priorities of the ND thematic partnerships and of ND actors.
NDI Policy Brief 17: Local Community Practices Support Healthy Ageing in the North
This Policy Brief presents findings of the NORRUS-AGE project. The research and networking project has collected a series of local-level healthy ageing practices. These practices are mirrored against the recently released WHO Decade of Healthy Ageing 2020-2030 Action Plan with paying attention to indigenous elders.
NDI Policy Brief 16: Decarbonizing road passenger transport in the ND area
This policy brief elaborates recommendations for road passenger transport decarbonization in the Northern Dimension (ND) area. How can people keep their freedom of movement but pollute less?
NDI Policy Brief 15: Accident information is needed to prevent emergencies in the Arctic waters
Increasing economic activity in the Russian Arctic has resulted in the growth of vessel traffic related to trade, exploration and research, marine tourism, and natural resource extraction activities. This has heightened the risk of maritime accidents.
Policy Brief: ND Environmental Partnership as a platform for nuclear cleanup of sunken objects in the Arctic Sea
The Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership’s Nuclear Window (NDEP NW) is an established platform for eliminating nuclear hazards inherited from the Soviet nuclear fleet operations in the Arctic. The strength of the NDEP NW projects is their operating model, where the NDEP grants administered by the EBRD act as a catalyst for local and complementary national funding, including in-kind support from the beneficiaries.
Mångvetenskaplig arbetsgrupp för finsk-rysk forskning
CEMAT stöder utvecklingen av ett mångvetenskapligt Rysslandskunnande i Finland genom att leda en samhällsvetenskaplig arbetsgrupp inom ramen för den finsk-ryska kommissionen för vetenskapligt och teknologiskt samarbete. Arbetsgruppen finansieras av Finlands Akademi och består av representanter från universitet, forskningsinstitut, näringslivsföreningar och ministerier. Arbetsgruppen har som uppgift att skapa kontakter mellan finländska och ryska forskare och sprida information om den ryska ekonomin och det ryska samhället i Finland. Arbetsgruppen ordnar årliga seminarier och andra öppna tillställningar samt driver webbplatsen för Finrusresearch.
Forskningscentret CEMAT har avslutat sin verksamhet den 1 januari 2023.
Aalto-universitetet, Handelshögskolan
Forskningscentrum för internationella marknader (CEMAT)
Postadress: PB 21210, FI-00076 AALTO, Finland
Besöksadress: Otnäsvägen 14, FI-02150 ESBO, Finland
Telefonväxel: +358 9 47001
[email protected]
fö[email protected] (personal)
Riitta Kosonen, ekon. dr, professor, direktör,
[email protected], tfn +358 50 402 7079
Päivi Karhunen, ekon. dr, forskningschef,
[email protected], tfn +358 50 387 8159
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