Alexander Ilin

T313 Dept. Computer Science
Full researcher profile


  • Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML), Part-time teacher
  • Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML), Visitor (Faculty)
  • Computer Science Professors, Visitor (Faculty)
  • Computer Science Professors of Practice, Visitor (Faculty)
  • Professor of Practice Ilin Alexander, Visitor (Faculty)


Can docstring reformulation with an LLM improve code generation?

Nicola Dainese, Alexander Ilin, Pekka Marttinen 2024 EACL 2024 - 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop

Self-Supervised Forecasting in Electronic Health Records with Attention-Free Models

Yogesh Kumar, Alexander Ilin, Henri Salo, Sangita Kulathinal, Maarit K. Leinonen, Pekka Marttinen 2024

Reader: Model-based language-instructed reinforcement learning

Nicola Dainese, Pekka Marttinen, Alexander Ilin 2023 Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Improved Training of Physics-Informed Neural Networks with Model Ensembles

Katsiaryna Haitsiukevich, Alexander Ilin 2023 IJCNN 2023 - International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Proceedings

Hierarchical Imitation Learning with Vector Quantized Models

Kalle Kujanpää, Joni Pajarinen, Alexander Ilin 2023 Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning

Hybrid Search for Efficient Planning with Completeness Guarantees

Kalle Kujanpää, Joni Pajarinen, Alexander Ilin 2023 NeurIPS 2023

Suicidal Pedestrian : Generation of Safety-Critical Scenarios for Autonomous Vehicles

Yuhang Yang, Kalle Kujanpää, Amin Babadi, Joni Pajarinen, Alexander Ilin 2023 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2023

Learning to Play Imperfect-Information Games by Imitating an Oracle Planner

Rinu Boney, Alexander Ilin, Juho Kannala, Jarno Seppanen 2022

Precise atom manipulation through deep reinforcement learning

I-Ju Chen, Markus Aapro, Abraham Kipnis, Alexander Ilin, Peter Liljeroth, Adam Foster 2022

Learning Trajectories of Hamiltonian Systems with Neural Networks

Katsiaryna Haitsiukevich, Alexander Ilin 2022 Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2022