Annakaisa Kultima
University Lecturer
University Lecturer
A806 Department of Art and Media
Full researcher profile
[email protected]
Game studies, Creativity studies, Game industry, Game design, Game jams, Design research, Finnish game industry, Games as created, Hybrid games, Ideation games, Creativity games, Game production, Gamification, Philosophy, 999 Others
Honorable Mention (CHI PLAY 2023)
Awarded for V. Vimpari, A. Kultima, P. Hämäläinen and C. Guckelsberger: "An Adapt-or-Die Type of Situation": Perception, Adoption, and Use of Text-To-Image-Generation AI by Game Industry Professionals. In: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 7, CHI PLAY, p. 131–164, 379.
Award or honor granted for a specific work
Department of Computer Science
Jan 2023
ICGJ 2018 Best Paper Award
Best Paper Award 2018 for International Conference on Game jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events (18 March 2018, San Francisco, USA)
Award or honor granted for a specific work
Department of Media
Mar 2018
Suomi-palkinto (Finland Award)
Finland Award is granted annually as a recognition of an impactful career, remarkable achievement or promising initiative within the field of arts and culture. Finnish Game Jam was recognized for the impact to the Finnish game making communities and as a unique organization also within the international landscape. Annakaisa Kultima has been leading the organization since its birth, 2013.
Award or honor granted for a specific work
Department of Media
Dec 2018
Digital Natives? Saami Games Now!
Annakaisa Kultima
Noita: A Long Journey of a Game Idea
Annakaisa Kultima, Riina Ojanen, Niklas Nylund
Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association
There’s More than One Way to Skin a Game: Templating Game-Based Learning
Edward Morrell, Ville Kankainen, Annakaisa Kultima, Tomi Kauppinen
Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Games Based Learning
Comic-making to Study Game-making: Using Comics in Qualitative Longitudinal Research on Game Development
Solip Park, Perttu Hämäläinen, Annakaisa Kultima
CHI 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
100 Game Jams
Annakaisa Kultima
Annakaisa Kultima
My Game History: Teaching Against Hegemonic Game History
Annakaisa Kultima, Jaakko Stenros
Proceedings of the 2023 DiGRA International Conference: Limits and Margins of Games
Uncovering the (Hidden) Co-Creativity: Ethnographic Streaming for a Game Design Praxiology Research Project
Annakaisa Kultima, Riina Ojanen, Niklas Nylund
Proceedings of the 2023 DiGRA International Conference: Limits and Margins of Games
How monetization mechanisms in mobile games influence consumers’ identity extensions
Miikka J. Lehtonen, J. Tuomas Harviainen, Annakaisa Kultima
Service Business
Nanoq - Imag(in)ing climate change
Ilona Mettiäinen, Annakaisa Kultima