Anni Irene Juvakoski

Postdoctoral Researcher
Postdoctoral Researcher
T213 Built Environment
Full researcher profile


  • Water and Environmental Eng., Postdoctoral Researcher


Evidence of waste management impacting severe diarrhea prevalence more than WASH : An exhaustive analysis with Brazilian municipal-level data

Anni Juvakoski, Henrik Rantanen, Michela Mulas, Francesco Corona, Riku Vahala, Olli Varis, Ilkka Mellin 2023

Water quality analysis using mmWave radars

Dariush Salami, Anni Juvakoski, Riku Vahala, Michael Beigl, Stephan Sigg 2023 2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops 2023

Solar disinfection – An appropriate water treatment method to inactivate faecal bacteria in cold climates

Anni Juvakoski, Gaurav Singhal, Manuel A. Manzano, Miguel Ángel Moriñigo, Riku Vahala, Irina Levchuk 2022