Bo Zhao
I have open PhD and Intern positions. Please find more details in my personal website and vacancies.
I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Aalto University. I am also affiliated with the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) and the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT). My research focuses on efficient data-intensive systems that translate data into value for decision making. The scope of my research spans across multiple layers of the data-intensive systems, from scalable machine learning systems to distributed data management systems, as well as code optimization techniques. That is to answer the question “how to co-design multiple layers of the software stack to improve scalability, performance, and energy efficiency of machine learning systems”. My long-term goal is to explore and understand the fundamental connections between data management and modern machine learning systems to make decision-making more transparent, robust and efficient. Please find more details in my research statement and the press coverage. My publication lists are available at DBLP and Google Scholar.
Before joining Aalto, I was an Assistant Professor at Queen Mary University of London, after working as a post-doctoral researcher at Imperial College London in the Large-Scale Data & Systems (LSDS) group with Prof. Peter Pietzuch. Before Imperial, I was a research assistant and obtained my PhD in the Databases and Information Systems Group at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU), supervised by Prof. Matthias Weidlich. Before HU, I worked as a student assistant at the Parallel Programming group with Prof. Felix Wolf in RWTH-Aachen University and Technical University of Darmstadt.
- Computer Science Professors, Assistant Professor
- Computer Science - Computing Systems (ComputingSystems), Assistant Professor
- Computer Science - Large-scale Computing and Data Analysis (LSCA), Assistant Professor
- Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML), Assistant Professor
- Professorship Zhao Bo, Assistant Professor