Elina Koivisto

Doctoral Researcher
Doctoral Researcher
A899 School common, ARTS
Full researcher profile


Architecture, Building Technology, 211 Architecture


Vuoden paras diplomityö

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Architecture Jan 2013

Honorary mention in Re-thinking the Future Award

for Kouk Khleang Youth Center
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Architecture Jan 2014

3rd prize in International Architecture Award

3rd prize for Kouk Khleang Youth Center
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Architecture Jan 2015

Energy Globe Award

National winner Cambodia for Kouk Khleang Youth Center<br/>er
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Architecture Jan 2015


Art of Research: Reimagining

Maiju Suomi, Elina Koivisto 2023

Jälkiä jättämättä

Maiju Suomi, Elina Koivisto 2023

Alusta monilajisille kohtaamisille

Maiju Suomi, Elina Koivisto 2022

Alusta Pavilion

Maiju Suomi, Elina Koivisto 2022

Arkkitehdille arvokkainta on aika

Elina Koivisto 2021

Taide sai uudet tilat

Elina Koivisto 2021

Arjen kehystäjä

Elina Koivisto 2020

Arvoista ponnistava arkkitehti

Elina Koivisto 2020