Jarno Kukkola

Project Specialist
Project Specialist
T410 Dept. Electrical Engineering and Automation
Full researcher profile


Aalto University Doctoral Thesis Award 2022

Rahman, F. M. Mahafugur: Weak-grid tolerant control methods for voltage-source converters
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation Feb 2022

IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Industrial Power Converter Committee Second Prize Paper Award

2019 Second Prize Paper Award for the paper for the paper entitled "Real-time identification method for LCL filters used with grid converters"<br/><br/>Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department, Industrial Power Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation Jan 2020

Best Paper Award of the IEEE PES ISGT-Europe 2021 Conference

Title: A voltage-sensorless controller for grid converters
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation Oct 2021

Aalto University Doctoral Thesis Award 2018

Kukkola, Jarno: Estimation Methods for Grid-Voltage Sensorless Control of Converters Equipped with an LCL Filter
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation Jan 2018

Award for Best Master’s Thesis in Energy Engineering in 2012

Vuoden 2012 paras energiatekniikan opinnäytetyö Energiafoorumi ry ja Suomen energiaekonomistit ry, Finland
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation Oct 2013

TEK Award for Master’s Thesis in Technology in 2012

Vuoden 2012 diplomityöpalkinto Tekniikan akateemiset (TEK) ja Tekniska Föreningen i Finland (TFiF), Finland
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation Nov 2013

Outstanding Paper at EPE ECCE Europe 2014

Jarno Kukkola and Marko Hinkkanen, "State observer for grid-voltage sensorless control of a grid-connected converter equipped with an LCL filter," at EPE'14 ECCE Europe, Lappeenranta, Finland
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation Jan 2014

IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Industrial Drives Committee Best Paper Award

IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Industrial Drives Committee Best Paper Award at the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) 2016: "State observer for sensorless control of a grid-connected converter equipped with an LCL filter: Direct discrete-time design" by Jarno Kukkola and Marko Hinkkanen
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation Jan 2016


  • Electric Drives, Project Employee


gritulator: Grid Converter Simulator in Python

Rayane Mourouvin, Jarno Kukkola, Lauri Tiitinen, Marko Hinkkanen 2024 Proceedings of 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT EUROPE 2023

Multifunctional Grid-Forming Cascade Control for Converters Equipped with an LCL Filter

Rayane Mourouvin, Tuure Nurminen, Marko Hinkkanen, Ville Pirsto, Jarno Kukkola 2023 2023 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2023 - Proceedings

Observer-based power-synchronization control for grid-forming converters

Tuure Nurminen, Rayane Mourouvin, Marko Hinkkanen, Jarno Kukkola, Mikko Routimo, Antti Vilhunen, Lennart Harnefors 2023 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech

Dynamic Model of a Virtual Air Gap Reactor

David Sevsek, Marko Hinkkanen, Jarno Kukkola, Matti Lehtonen 2023

Generic PLL-Based Grid-Forming Control

Lennart Harnefors, Mario Schweizer, Jarno Kukkola, Mikko Routimo, Marko Hinkkanen, Xiongfei Wang 2022

Stable and Passive Observer-Based V/Hz Control for Synchronous Motors

Lauri Tiitinen, Marko Hinkkanen, Jarno Kukkola, Mikko Routimo, Gianmario Pellegrino, Lennart Harnefors 2022 2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)

A universal controller for grid-connected voltage-source converters

Lennart Harnefors, Jarno Kukkola, Mikko Routimo, Marko Hinkkanen, Xiongfei Wang 2021

A voltage-sensorless controller for grid converters

Jarno Kukkola, Mikko Routimo, Marko Hinkkanen, Lennart Harnefors 2021 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe)

Comparative analysis of the effects of integral action and disturbance feedforward on current control of voltage-source converters

Ville Pirsto, Jarno Kukkola, Marko Hinkkanen 2021 Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE’21 ECCE Europe