Kit Srinivasan

Kit Srinivasan

Senior Manager, Global Engagement
U927 Leadership support services

Om mig

I am a happy member of the Global Engagement team of Aalto! Our team handles activities relevant for the measures, partnerships, networks and visits supporting the strategic internationalization of research and education. You can read more about us at Global Engagement and about Aalto's internationalization at International Academic Collaboration .

Among the array of international partnerships portfolio that our team manages, I am responsible for the coordination of the Finnish Indian Consortia for Research and Education (FICORE). Supported by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, and interconnecting more than 90% of the actors in the Finnish academia, FICORE acts as a powerful channel for bilateral academic engagement between Finland and India for cutting-edge RDI cooperation and Innovation initiatives. 

I also manage the key partnership development with the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). Aalto's collaboration with SUTD started in 2018 and is continuously evolving in fields such as sustainable architecture, urban research and health.

You are welcome to contact me for queries about India collaboration and partnership activities with SUTD.

Otakaari 24 02150 Espoo Finland